I will get the most money?

<p>Which type of engineering has the best income. Please help. I'm new</p>

<p>As many will tell you, if you pick your engineering major according to salary, you will HATE the next four years of your life, and you'll probably drop out of your major. The reason most engineers pick their specific field is that they love what they do and are genuinely interested in their work.</p>

<p>What if you like every field of engineering except chemical?</p>

<p>What engineering specialty have the best income potential?</p>

<p>ChemE's make the most out of ugrad (and deservedly so)</p>

<p>What about with 5-10 years experience?</p>

<p>Which one has the most money making potential?</p>

<p>Z e r o X, I think that either we were seperated either at birth or we're the same person because we have the same exact ideas and questions.</p>

<p>Everything from the chem e, video games, and i banking is similar or exact.</p>

<p>note to self- don't go online after 1AM</p>

<p>That depends on what field you're working in.</p>

<p>My plan right now is engineering undergrad, than I-banking, then MBA, than MD at IB.</p>

<p>Hope this is not impossible to achieve.</p>

<p>How will you become an MD after an MBA? You need to learn the ropes, man. Analyst (which you could possibly skip with that MBA) --> Associate --> Director --> MD</p>

<p>Mathematically, I've calculated my percentage of reaching my targeted income to be 1.7%.</p>

<p>In I-Banking- I'll give you the benefit of having already obtained a summer internship or a bachelors degree entry level analyst position (which, btw, only about 5% of students achieve). Now consider that approx. 70% of analysts at these banks will get in to a top business school afterwards. In order to come back and be re-hired by your old firm, you would probably have to be in the top half of your business school class. Now you're working an 80-100 hour a week job as an associate, making 200k to start with. Its not our target salary, so, lets consider that about 5% of these associates will become managing directors (the first of the elite salary levels of 700-800k+). </p>

<p>Overall after undergraduate study - assuming you can even get an entry level job at a top i bank. 70%(go to bschool) x 50%(get re-hired) x 5% (become an MD) = .0175 .. </p>

<p>In i-banking .. 1.7 percent of these people can achieve the target income level.</p>

<p>Just need something to increase my odds.</p>

<p>I've seen many students pick Chemical Engineering because it has the highest average salary. Unfortunately there are not nearly as many jobs in ChemE as in ME or EE! Yes, the average salary is higher but the job availability is much, much less! I've got several friends with ChemE degrees that couldn't find a ChemE job. The reason ChemE gets a higher salary is the petroleum industry hires a lot of them.</p>

<p>I tell students all the time, do you want to go for a small pool of potential jobs or a huge one? That's why I recommend ME or EE. But ultimately you need to do what you love and if ChemE is what you love then by gosh, do it!</p>

<p>I'm interested in CompE, EE, and ME. But not so much ME because its starting salary is the lowest among those.</p>

<p>And I think I'll probably like CompE best but is not good at programming. So how much jobs does CompE majors have compared to EE?</p>


<p>you really need to get a clue dude....</p>

<p>And one bad experiance in a high school java class doesnt really show you much about programming (most high school programming is a joke)</p>

<p>I don't know what it is, I could program in visual basic where point and click. but in java, where its a blank sheet to type code, i have no clue what to type.</p>

<p>I don't know what it is, I could program in visual basic where point and click. but in java, where its a blank sheet to type code, i have no clue what to type.</p>

<p>and thats suppose to be object oriented programming?? wheres the objects and the point and click???</p>

<p>Hey zerox you really are a fool.The reason that it's called object oriented programing is becuase the statments or text on "that blank sheet" are fuctioning as a object mathamticaly ,also you really are an idiot becuase you think you can be an engineering major when you don't know things like this.HA! engineering for smart people not fools like yourself.You Will never be an engineer! EVER!</p>

<p>MechE, EE, CE, and ChemE are all making great money out of college. The averages are different, but it doesn't really matter. You really need to do what you enjoy. I personally would hate my college experience if I was doing Chemical Engineering because it's just not very interesting to me. On the other hand, some people would hate their college experience if they were coding all the time in my Computer Science and Engineering major.</p>

<p>stjimmy2600 ,</p>

<p>I've gotta say, I don't like braggarts, or snobby little gifted kids...</p>

<p>Pompous fool.</p>

<p>why 0 because i know something you can not even fathom
you suck! I brag when I have a right you brag because you think you are right.Which guess what you aren't!</p>

<p>//stjimmy2600 get the **** out of my topic u troll</p>

<p><em>back on topic</em>
Okayyyy guys! i have this super duper idea for a game its based on DRAGONBALL Z </p>

<p>and YUGI-O!!!</p>

<p>BAsically it's a card battleling game with freeking awesome gfx and with GOKU and </p>


<p>i have no exp with cooding so I need help programing tho but i have super idea in </p>

<p>the works and you will do lots of work but we will sell teh game for like fifty </p>

<p>dollaz liek most games and make tons of cash!!1</p>

<p>Anywayz I think we can maek the game in GAME MAKER or maybe RPG MAKRE XP (link </p>

<p>plz for dl). I herd these are numbered one for dezigning games!</p>

<p>post the links to ur gamez and i will sell them.</p>