I would be forever grateful for a chance...

<p>I know that admissions is a "crapshoot" for pretty much everyone, but there must be different levels of crapshootiness for different applicants right?</p>

<p>Ok so here goes: (I'm applying RD)</p>

<p>Male from NY
First Generation College Student
Public High school, competitive and does well with admissions (one year 1-2 people got into every ivy. another year, apparently 5 people got into Brown, but that's hearsay).</p>

UW GPA (School doesn't do UW, but it's probably 3.8 or 3.9ish)
W GPA. 4.6ish out of a possible 5.2 I believe.
Rank 23/500ish (will this hurt?)</p>

<p>Senior Year Classes:
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
AP English Lit
AP German
AP Psychology</p>

<p>Past APs:
World History 5
English Lang 5
APUSH 4</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning:
CR: 700
Math: 770
Writing: 730
Total: 2200</p>

<p>Sat Subject Tests
World History: 740
Japanese with Listening: 790
Math Level 2: 760</p>

-National Honor Society
-National German Honor Society
-Outstanding achievement in German award
-99th percentile on american association of teachers of german test
-passed level 3 of the japanese language proficiency test
-Area all state orchestra (hard to get into) participant 11-12 grade
-AP Scholar</p>

-German Club 9-12. Have been Sec, Vice and Prez. We have an ongoing exchange program with a school in Hamburg. But when we're not doing that, we spread german culture through oktoberfests, cabarets, etc.
-Varsity Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field 9-12 (not good enough to be recruited)
-I also act as a teaching assistant for my after school Japanese teacher with 2 of her other classes
-Over 300 hours of community service at a nature center 9-12
-Am in school's honors string ensemble for best 20 string players in the school (I play viola). We play at bookstores, rehab centers, private clubs, etc throughout the area.
-model UN club 11-12. We only got a model UN 11th grade, that's why I didn't join sooner. I'm going to be a future delegate come our first conference.</p>

<p>Work experience/miscellaneous:
-Lifeguard at a lake this past summer
-Went to Japan as part of the Experiment in International Living (EIL) for a month. Included a 10 day homestay.</p>

recs from German and math teachers should be really good
guidance counselor rec should be good
essays are solid i think.</p>

<p>Thanks for reading through all of this!</p>

<p>O.O dudeā€¦
your fine.
thats all some pretty impressive stats. way more so than mine :-(</p>

<p>you got really strong resume and excellent scores for nu. So very good chance!</p>

<p>ha ha ha. why are u worried? have u seen my stats??</p>