IB and Sleep

<p>I keep on hearing people say that I will get no sleep and be prepared to pull many all nighters etc, but to what extent is this true? For all IB diploma kids out there, when did you start your homework on an average day and when did you finish? I have a feeling that a lot of the juniors telling me that I won't be able to go to sleep early are the same people that regularly start their homework at 9 because they're lazy, play a sport, or are in student government/do some other time demanding club. Also was senior year easier or harder for you than junior year? I really don't want to risk having bad college applications because I didn't have any time to work on them because of IB.</p>

<p>My son was an IB student at the number 4 public HS in the country. He is not a straight A student, but did just fine - had some A’s, mostly B’s. Junior year was definitely the hardest, but he learned to manage his time. He was also the class VP both junior and senior years. Some nights the homework wasn’t bad and other nights he did spend quite a few hours, but never pulled all-nighters and 99% of the time was in bed by 11pm. He did typically devote one weekend day to homework and did spend the majority of that day doing work especially when there was an IB project due. Senior year was easier for him, and he maintained a part-time job during his senior year as well. Between AP and IB tests, he had 45 hours college credit, so well worth it…</p>

<p>Personally, all of my experiences (and friends’) of all-nighters were because of two things: massive exam over 30% of your grade that you need to study for because you barely paid attention in class, or long essays that you only started the night before at 10pm.</p>

<p>It was sort of just in the nature of most students to slack off… So I knew people that never had to stress about homework or studying, because they did a little bit every day. But for a lot of people, they KNEW they could do it in 3 hours in the middle of the night, so they slacked off and waited that long. One of my favorite memories was the night before the first day of senior year, when every single person I knew in IB was online at the same time finishing up their extended essay… Very few people HAVE to stay up or lose sleep. But most people end up CHOOSING to anyway.</p>

<p>I truly believe, based on conversations that I have had with students in the IB program, that if you do not procrastinate and you keep up with your work you will be fine. The students that I spoke with got into great schools and never pulled all nighters. There were certainly nights where they were up late, but that also happens to students who are not in IB. My daughter is planning to do much of her ee during the summer. Time management is crucial ( from what I am told).</p>

<p>Umm well I can guestimate how long an assignment will take and I am usually right which is a good and bad thing. It’s good because I always get my assignments done on time and it’s bad because if I know I have say 3 hours of hw, then I will start my hw at 7 maybe. It depends on how much I have but generally I start my hw around 6 unless I have a lot and finish between 9 and 10 for the most part. But I get home everyday around 4:30-5:30 depending on the day.</p>

<p>That actually sounds ok to me.</p>

<p>em, in some ways, it may be serious</p>

<p>Not really, you just manage your time right. Take advantage of your free periods at school!</p>

<p>I was the procrastinating type and played a varsity sport in fall/club in the winter and spring. I didn’t sleep much junior year, for sure. But i know lots of people did manage to get sleep if they did their assignments not the night before they’re due. It’s more of what you make it.</p>