Ib diploma and University of Alabama

Hi! Right now I’m in the ib diploma and I think that one of my top choices for sure is university of Alabama because of the full tuition for a 32 ACT. I was wondering if there’s any sort of extra advantage to doing the full diploma verses ib classes as far as credit goes, because I was considering dropping my two SL classes, Spanish and Math for ap euro and ap calc ab. Also, I am not sure that it is worth doing all the extra requirements like CAS and TOK if they aren’t going to give me any benefit. Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks!

What are your academic interests? What do you plan on studying in university?

If you are just looking for college credit then just do AP classes. If you are looking for rigour that will prepare you for college level work then go for IB. My daughter is currently in the IB program. All of her friends from the program that are now in college always say their college classes are easier than IB.

Just a note of caution, I can’t comment on all college classes but the academic classes at UA are Not a cakewalk. Just ask any UA stem major, who was a high achieving HS student, IF engineering classes or organic chemistry, OR most upper level requirements are easy.

There have been students who have assumed that, and then have had trouble keeping pace with the class and the instructor. Or students who thought that a lot of effort/preparedness and attending classes was not necessary. These students put their GPA and scholarships (if any) at risk.

I do not know how rigorous your HS or HS course of study is, but please do not presume that UA’s classes will be easy in comparison.

how do you know your GPA if you are doing IB?