IB HL Biology

<p>Hey guys,
Im a senior in high school, about to take the HL IB Biology exam in 2 months, and I really am aiming for a 7.
I've done pretty decent on my IA's in the 6-7 range, so Im gonna buckle down and prepare for the 3 papers.</p>

<p>Anyone know the best way to prep or study in order to get a 7? What books are best?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot</p>

<p>anybody?? </p>


<p>I’m not even in IB yet, but go look at Amazon. There’s some good books for IB Biology.</p>

<p>Yeah, just look at reviews or something. Evidently no one here has taken the exam yet, so…</p>

<p>I’m only in year 1 of HL Bio right now, but my neighbor managed a 6 on the exam and told me that the most important thing is to really get the assessment statements down. She said she couldn’t stress that enough - basically everything in the exam is based on those assessment statements - if you don’t know them, you’re screwed. If you memorize them, you’re golden. </p>

<p>Study mark schemes of previous exams. </p>

<p>And lastly: The Pearson Baccalaureate Higher Level Biology (it has an orange cover).
This book is super expensive, but everyone recommends it. I’m using it alongside my classwork, and I can honestly say it’s the BEST textbook I’ve ever had. It lays out each chapter with the assessment statements, and has tons of practice questions in the back of each chapter. It’s wonderful.</p>

<p>You don’t really need a book. I live in an area where it’s practically impossible to order books from the West, and people in our schools use resources online. Theres tonnes that follow the Biology syllabus. </p>

<p>Haha , yea I have that “The Pearson Baccalaureate Higher Level Biology” book. My teacher is actually the one who wrote that book lol. </p>

<p>HEY - omg so basically I’ve never touched any of my IB Bio books - including Pearson.
these websites are heavenly (they are listed in the order that I loved them)

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>@arcticmonkies‌ Are you sure you didn’t mean ibiology.ORG? I just looked it up. ibiology.net was something about art or some other stuff. ibiology.org is about biology.</p>

no sorry its actually i-biology.net</p>

<p>@arcticmonkies‌ Yep, now that one works. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>As a recently graduated senior that did IB Bio HL, I can definitely attest to the usefulness of the Pearson Baccalaureate Textbook, loved that thing. Also, and I hope your teacher has done this already, the most important thing you can do is look at tons of practice questions. In our class, all of our unit tests were IB questions from the QuestionBank, and we had loads of practice sheets that were past IB Essay questions for the different subject areas and options.</p>

<p>Personally, I would recommend picking the two options you already feel good about, and study the crap out of them, rather than trying to study all of the options so that you can pick. The kids that tried that in my class ended up not knowing any of the options well enough, and just had to pick the ones that they knew best, but still ended up with some questions that threw them off completely.</p>

<p>Just my opinions, of course.</p>

<p>Haha, thanks a lot guys , although I actually already took the exam May 2014 session… </p>

<p>Hey guys,
I have 10 days until my school begins and I have taken IB bio HL. Should I start studying for it now? Or should I just wait for school to start? I have the Pearson bio book.</p>

<p>Honestly, I didnt study until 2 weeks before the exam and pulled off a 6, so I dont think you should start right now</p>