IB Magazine?! Contributions Welcome

Hey fellow Iber’s, what’s up? I’m writing this post to talk about my cas project. My project is for a school magazine with a global focus. Essentially, the idea is to create a magazine that encompasses more than just cliche school events and community news. I want the magazine to have a more global feel to it, and one of the ways I’d love to achieve this is to share and integrate contributions from students around the world into the magazine. Any contribution is encouraged and appreciated. It could be an old essay or drawing you once made too so Im not asking for any custom made content or anything likw that. It can be an opinion, art piece, poem, song, idea, story, anything that you find meaningful. Maybe you want to share your experiences in IB or perhaps your apprehension about partaking in the program. Heck, you don’t even have to be in IB, I truly only wish to get responses from a myriad of other places in order to augment the global aspect of the magazine. I do ask anyone who contributes to leave their name, country, and school for attribution purposes and such. Id love to send a digital copy of this year’s first issue to anyone who contributes (or just wants a copy :slight_smile: so ill post the link to the website for the magazine once I’ve completed the website. Thanks for hearing me out regarding my idea and if you can, I’d appreciate it if y’all would sound off your advice, opinions, contributions, or just whatever in the thread.