<p>^ ditto the point about IB being internationally moderated, and that your exams and coursework are being held to internationa standards by markers in other countries. AP grades are given by your class teachers and you compete with your fellow students.</p>
<p>I would like to remind people the difference bewteen the IB diploma and specific IB subjects. An IB Diploma course must be compared with AP courses on a holistic scale, not bu judging individual subjects. IB Diploma students are required to take subjects in different areas of study, so a smart science geek will re forced to take courses in Literature and Humanities and Foriegn Language. An AP student can escape this since there is no standard for course selection.</p>
<p>Furthermore, IB diploma candidates are required to write a 4000 word research essay in a subject of their choice. This is sent out internationally to be marked. AP does not have this.</p>
<p>IB also requires students to participate in CAS, which is another name for extracirricular activites. Failure to meet the sufficient amount of CAS hours will mean automatic failure of the diploma, regardless of how well you do in our subjects. AP technically does not requires this, but many AP student aiming for top universities will do a similar amount of extracirriculurs anyway.</p>
<p>HOWEVER, the CAS system stand for Creativity, Action and Service. Thus the student is again required to fufill extracirrifulr requirements in many different areas. An AP studen can get away with exclusively playing the piano as their EC, but without any sports or community/volunteer work, they will fail their IB CAS.</p>
<p>In addition to that, students doing an IB science instead of environmental systems and societies will need to do something called the ‘group 4 project’, which is a mini science research project where students follow the scientific process and present their conclusions blah blah. Failure to complete this autoamatically fails their science subject for IB, no matter what test sore they recive.</p>
<p>Falure in any one subject in the diploma means automatic fail for the entire diploma, so the group 4 project is quite important too.</p>
<p>…And finally, the TOK. It is worth very little compared to other subjects, being added to the ee to poduce a score our of 3 instead of 7 compared to the other subjects. However, getting zero points in these 3 points also entails automatic failure for the whole diploma. Also, TOK (Theory of Knowledge) is the backbone of the liberal arts philisophy of the IB diploma, where students need to thoroughly understand the basic core philisohical principle behind knowledge, the purpose and definition of science, art, etc etc. One cannot get away with simply memorizing facts.</p>
<p>This philisophy of understaning is common across all IB subjects, which as mentioned before, require a lot of essays and oral commentaries instead of multiple choice questions and guessing.</p>
<p>In a nutshell, the IB diploma as a whole is a very rigirous program, with strict philosophy of well roundedness and understanding, requiring student to do well in all areas or risk failure.</p>