Iconoclast question

<p>Someone please tell me that idiosyncratic wasn't an answer choice for that sentence completion because i chose what i thought to be idiosyncratic. and am hoping that it is really iconoclast.</p>

<p>Does anyone remember the answer choices to this sentence completion question?</p>

<p>You're right, it's iconoclast. No worries.</p>

<p>i remember choosing idiosyncratic though. was it just a mix up? hopefully idiosyncratic was just my eyes fooling themselves for what is really iconoclast</p>

<p>which passages were in that section?</p>

<p>idiosyncratic was the wrong answer choice for a different question</p>

<p>i'm sure i chose idiosyncratic for the last sentence completion that said that the woman went against tradition. any thoughts?</p>

<p>idiosyncratic was an answer choice for one of the passages, but it wasnt in sentence completion</p>

<p>(i think it was section with the Sympson passage)</p>

<p>Iconoclast was correct, even though I said egalitarian because I forgot the meaning of the former. However, I got the transparent clothing one correct (diaphonous).</p>