Id # / Webstac / Email Info Arrived

<p>Today I received a letter from the office of student records with my ID number, information on setting up a WebSTAC account, and instructions to create an EMail address came. Also, a request for a picture to be used on the student ID was in the letter. Enrolled students, keep an eye out for this in your mailbox the next couple days!</p>

<p>Dang, after reading this I ran outside to my mailbox only to find nothing in it for me :(</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up though.</p>

<p>…due to international transition of mailing, this IMPORTANT letter might delay 2 months…sign…can i call or email the office of record to get my ID/WEBSTAC?</p>

<p>cedric - I would sure think so. Maybe if there is a fax number they can use, although I would think e-mail the way to go.</p>

<p>Just got mine in the mail :)</p>

<p>Can finally add WUSTL to my profile in FB haha</p>

<p>Anyone know if we can actually check/start using these email accounts yet? I can’t find an inbox or anything.</p>

<p>so…I sent a message to Art&Sci office about the deferred mail. Let’s see how it goes…Finger crossed…:)</p>

<p>Btw, Thanks fallenchemist!</p>

<p>as of right now, it looks like architecture students can set up webSTAC, but not email :(</p>

<p>That’s what I’m thinking newprov- I’m in the College of Art in Sam Fox. I have a samfox email, and about a day after I set up webstac it said I had an account there, but it rejects my login. :(</p>

<p>I have squirrelmail :/</p>

<p>WEBSTAC also said I had an account on squirrelmail but rejected my login, but I tried the username/password from the letter with the WEBSTAC info on it and it worked. Try it :D</p>