Hi - my 11th grader has this year become very interested in social justice type issues. She has joined various clubs - Earth Club, GSA (Gay/Straight Alliance), social action club, ADL (anti-defamation league club)… you get the idea. In recent weeks she has been to two protests - the womens’ march and an anti-immigration policy protest. She is a strong artist in drawing and photography and wants a school with a strong arts program. Would love a program that mixes art and social justice. Hates math and science and wishes she never had to take another STEM class
She was born and raised in the south and her main criteria for college are so far: 1) not in the south 2) in a beautiful area nature wise 3) mid size city or bigger 4) largely liberal student body
We visited California and she loved UCLA (reach) and Loyola Marymount. Liked UCSB. Ran out of time to look anywhere else.
We have a trip planned in April to look at UC Boulder and Denver.
I am looking for other suggested schools that fit her criteria. Fortunately for her - $$ not an issue as we saved for her to go out of state. Her SAT is a 1280 (she is trying the ACT next month). GPA 3.9.
Ideas? Thanks