If I get denied...

<p>If I get denied by UW what would be the best UW satellite campus to attend?</p>

<p>I’ve heard good things about the academics at La Crosse so if that’s your main priority I would look there. Also check some other out like Milwaukee if you wanted a more urban setting for example.</p>

<p>I’ve also heard good things about La Crosse. But it’s only if UWM denies me.</p>

<p>I would choose U of Minnesota-Twin Cities. But, if I had to choose one of the branch campuses I would probably want to go to Eau Claire or maybe Whitewater. However, Milwaukee is the only other campus that has my major, so I would probably have to go there.</p>

<p>We checked out La Crosse and Eau Claire last year and liked Eau Claire a lot more for the academics, campus and housing. UWEC has a really nice honors program though if you qualify for it you’re likely to get into Madison. Depends on your major of course. Whitewater for business. I would think where you live affects the decision too. If you’re looking to transfer to Madison at some point it doesn’t matter much, it will depend on your performance wherever you go. Check out their websites. Visit.</p>

<p>If you don’t get into madison go to the u twin cities. If you really want a wisconsin campus I would say eau claire but really anywhere but stout is probably fine.</p>

<p>What were your stats when you applied mhsredhawks24131?</p>

<p>UW-La Crosse is definitely the second best UW campus as far as academics. I would avoid UWM, it’s not very strong academically and based on what I’ve heard from people it’s in a bad area of town (or at least not very attractive).</p>

<p>Behind UW-La Crosse, it becomes pretty muddled. UW-Oshkosh is a good bet if you’re interested in something business related, but it’s not very strong in science related fields.</p>

<p>28 ACT
3.7 GPA
Band 4 years, jazz band 2 years, school newspaper 4 years, Eucharistic Minister 1 year, and peer leader 1 year.
IL resident.</p>

<p>Many students choose U of Minn over UW and vice versa- similar stats for students. UW La Crosse seems to have the next best stats, then Eau Claire. You can look up ACT middle 50% scores as an indicator of the academic peer groups at each school.</p>

<p>UW-LaCrosse or UW-Eau Claire are good schools. Our D looked at each and we’ve lived in both towns. Each is a solid choice and are located in great communities.</p>

<p>Also, depending on your potential major, here are some other thoughts (I think most Sconnies would agree that these are pretty widely accepted recommendations). If you’re looking at engineering - UW Platteville. Business - UW Whitewater. Ag or Education - UW River Falls. Industrial Technology or Hotel/Rest. management - UW Stout. Environmental/Forestry - UW Stevens Point.</p>

<p>Don’t have enough information on UW’s Oshkosh, Superior, Green Bay or Milwaukee.</p>

<p>Hard to go wrong with any of your choices. All are fine schools. Best of luck.</p>

<p>Quite a few good schools in the Wisconsin system to choose from. Eau Claire and La Crosse are the best satellite schools hands down.</p>