If I were admitted to a more prestigious school? Should I say that in the application

<p>And in what way should I bring that out???</p>

<p>What do you feel would be gained by mentioning it in your essay?</p>

<p>I'm not sure if it's necessary. It would make it seem like USC is not really a top choice, seeing that you have a more prestigious school to fall back on in the case of rejection. Just my thought though.</p>

<p>No, I wouldn't. It's like saying: if they took me, you should too. They'd prefer to make their own evaluation, I'd bet.</p>

<p>Worst. Idea. Ever.</p>

<p>Seriously, don't do that.</p>

<p>I agree. BAD IDEA. Why in the world would you want to do that? They'd reject you because if you don't show interest, why should they? It makes it seem like you think you're too good for USC.</p>

<p>that's like going to a job interview and talking about the offers you've received from rival companies the whole time.</p>

<p>or saying to your spouse, "i could have been with so many hotter, smarter, more worthwhile (wo)men, but i chose you! you should be treating me like royalty for even thinking about marrying you... but look how ungrateful you're acting."</p>

<p>bad call, no matter how you try to spin it.</p>

<p>i agree.</p>

<p>worst idea in the WORLD.</p>

<p>you'd probably get rejected from like a cal state with something like that.</p>

<p>even though cal states don't have essays. aha</p>

<p>To you, Harvard (let's say) might be a really prestigeous school.</p>

<p>To them, USC is the best. </p>

<p>You don't want to intimidate them. that will offend the admission officers, they're just humans.</p>

<p>how would you know whether or not you got into a more prestigious school during the application process? I mean besides EA...</p>

<p>but ya, thats a really stupid idea</p>

<p>you guys lighten up, you're all being really rude. I can understand why they would think it might help them. Even though you might not think it is a good idea, which neither do i, but you don't have to be so rude.</p>

<p>Please don't say "if I were admitted to a MORE prestigious school" in your USC college application essay. I could only see it hurting, not helping. Quite frankly, if I were a USC admissions counselor and saw that, I'd be very offended.</p>

<p>For your sake, take it out!</p>

<p>hahaha socal? - that is an excellent analogy :)</p>