"If Norman Rockwell Were Alive. . ."

<p>“he’d be painting this.” So said my friend from Hawaii, catching his first-ever glimpse of Bama during our visit this past weekend. After seeing UA once again through his fresh eyes, my sophomore son’s bright eyes, and my own bleary ones, I thought I’d share the highlights, especially for those of you considering Alabama with trepidation (as were we back in 2009/2010).</p>

<p>• The fall foliage, Riverwalk, downtown, and campus landscape were picture postcard perfect. I took numerous photos that you’d swear were from New England if you didn’t know better. We live in Hawaii, so trust me when I say that Alabama is beautiful.</p>

<p>• The politeness and manners exhibited by everyone we encountered, regardless of age, color, or creed, were incredibly uplifting. My son introduced his many friends to us at Saturday’s tailgate extravaganza. He’d introduce them by name, then each of them would invariably re-introduce themselves while shaking my hand, saying, typically, “John Jones, sir. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.” I can tell you how many times I’ve had that experience back home. Zero.</p>

<p>• The politeness and manners exhibited by my son were transformative. I lost count of the “yes, ma’ams” and “yes, sirs” he uttered, as well as the number of times he opened doors for women and elders, and deferred to them when exiting elevators and buildings. I don’t quite recognize this guy yet, but I love him!</p>

<p>• The passion, pageantry, and generally gracious nature of the spectacle that was game day was like nothing I’ve seen. You don’t have to care a wit about football to get swept up in the vortex of pride, joy, anticipation, and community that was generated; the kind of stuff that makes life worth living. My wife doesn’t know a first down from a safety and she was enthralled (in houndstooth and crimson lipstick). By the way, by Sunday at noon the campus and surrounding environs were immaculate. You’d never have known there’d been a party so large that it created human gridlock the day before.</p>

<p>• We ran into Honors College Dean Shane Sharpe at the game. He met me once in early 2010 and has interacted with my son once or twice. Yet, he recognized us, greeted us by name, and wanted to make sure that everything was going well for our son. Amazing. Alabama is a place where it’s cool to be warm. How hip is that?</p>

<p>• Call me corny, but I love the endless, communal exchanges of “Roll Tide” that folks share in virtually any situation, whether friends or strangers. A guy stepped on my ankle trying to squeeze out of the bleachers and into the aisle at the game. He shot me an apologetic glance and said, “Roll Tide?” 'Nuff said. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>• Most gratifying was something my son uttered out of the blue. He’s a National Merit scholar who got into every college to which he applied. I share this not to boast (please don’t flame me), but to provide context. I’ll be honest: the National Merit package and mom2collegekids had a lot to do with us selecting Bama. But yesterday my son said, “Dad, knowing what I know now, if I’d been offered a full ride by every school in the country, this is where I’d want to be.” </p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>What a lovely post!</p>

<p>and, thanks for posting your pics on Facebook. :slight_smile: We’ve really enjoyed them. </p>

<p>Have a safe trip home! </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>If you don’t mind, malanai, I have copied, pasted and emailed your posting to many family and friends, Auburn ones included! My son is still in disbelief of the fine decision he has made to attend The University Of Alabama for all that you posted and more! Thank you for sharing so eloquently!</p>

<p>Thanks for your post. I feel the exact same sentiment! It was a whirlwind of a weekend and worth every second of human gridlock. </p>

<p>It was nice to meet you and your son. I had my fair share of the goodies you brought to NJ’s tailgate. ;)</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Excellent post malanai. It was great to meet you and your son, along with asaunmom, her family, NJBama, and MABama.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>malanai, I swear they said the same exact quote on College GameDay leading up to the game on Saturday. It must be true!</p>

<p>Great post Malanai! Roll Tide!</p>


<p>Post of the year. I’ve been really feeling down after the game. You have given me perspective on what really matters. It was great seeing yourself, NJBama, SEA_Tide, asaunmom and her family. Just like the tornado, we are NEVER DOWN because of the beauty, friendships, and spirit of UA.</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!!! (I agree that it never gets old).</p>

<p>great post!</p>

<p>This is an awesome post!</p>

<p>I have such a beautiful picture in my head, now, from this post! I can’t wait to see it in person in a couple of weeks. I just hope that the beautiful trees still have their leaves for a bit longer!</p>


<p>Roll Tide! And I’d sure like to see them pics. Too bad can’t post links here. :-)</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for your kind replies. :)</p>

<p>Great post, Malanai!! </p>

<p>Was nice meeting you even if it was only briefly. The chocolate macadamia nuts were a huge hit at the tailgate. Thanks again for stopping by and bringing those. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Thank you, NJ. It was great meeting you and the gang, and I’m truly sorry I couldn’t get back to your tailgate after our initial meeting. Between my son’s tailgate, another commitment, and the unbelievable gridlock on the quad, it just became impossible. So, let’s do it again next year!</p>

<p>malanai, you have such an amazing way with words. I am going to share your post with two Hawaii families considering Bama. Pretty soon we may have enough kids for a Hawaii club :slight_smile: Thank you so much for providing my husband with a place to stay Saturday night!!!</p>

<p>Bumping for our winter and spring visitors :)</p>