If you get your full financial need met:IS your flight to the US covered?

<p>^^I am an international applying to need-blind schools and some others that meet the full demonstrated need!!

<p>No it is not</p>

<p>many/most schools that give huge aid to int’ls do not include int’l travel in the COA and aid package. You’ll have to contact each school to be sure.</p>

<p>And, when you look out how FA is given, extra money is usually not made available to students until school has been in session for a few weeks. </p>

<p>So, usually books and airfare have to “fronted” by the student/family. One could say that the amount that is called “student summer work contribution” is large enough to pay for books and int’l travel. But, again, many schools do NOT include int’l travel costs in COA.</p>

<p>Some of the most generous schools do include a travel allowance for international students in their Cost of Attendance. BUT as noted, you would not likely receive this money “up front”.</p>

<p>Just an FYI…while “transportation” is supposedly included in the cost of attendance here in the U.S. for U.S. citizens and permanent residents, the amount included seldom provides enough money for the actual travel costs…especially if the student travels home twice a year by air (saying this from experience…the cost of transportation the school allowed, and our D’s actual flights home from across the country did not align at all).</p>

<p>On paper they give you airfare for one trip home, however that goes in your taxes! You do get the tax back eventually but till then you will have to put up the money and reimburse yourself later!</p>



<p>What does this mean? Financial aid is not applied to your taxes. Not for anyone.</p>

<p>Any financial aid that is used for travel would be counted in taxable income for students…but aid does not go “in your taxes”.</p>

<p>Please clarify.</p>

<p>thanks guys;t lloks like the first flight;i’ll have to take care of it ?
But the flight back home,let’s say once a year in summer is covered!
Isn’t it!</p>

<p>Some schools cover travel. Others don’t. Be prepared to pay for all of your travel yourself, or stay in the US until your education is completed.</p>

<p>And remember that if you stay in the U.S. until your education is complete…you will have to factor in housing and such for the summer term (which can be up to three months long…or so). Your financial aid will likely NOT cover the summer months.</p>

<p>Remember that int’l students have a “student summer contribution” just like domestic student. That can be about $2500 per year. So, even if the school has an allowance for int’l travel, you’ll be paying for it yourself. </p>

<p>But, again, many schools say that they don’t include an allowance for int’l part o travel…and their allowance for travel is rather low. There will be an allowance for travel…such as year-round local travel, but not for int’l travel. </p>

<p>This shouldn’t be that surprising…many schools have ridiculously low allowances for travel for domestic students who have to travel across the country…and when you figure that there are other daily/weekly travel costs as well.</p>

<p>And remember that if you stay in the U.S. until your education is complete…you will have to factor in housing and such for the summer term (which can be up to three months long…or so). Your financial aid will likely NOT cover the summer months.</p>

<p>Very true…some int’ls think that they won’t go home for summers, but then they have trouble paying for summer costs…since FA doesn’t cover that.</p>