If you have been visiting schools and all the lights are off....

<p>Dont think the multi million endowed prep schools are being stingy..It's the Green Cup Challenge. 15 boarding schools including all the big names, andover, exeter, SPS, deerfield, Choate, Hotchkiss, Lawrenceville etc plus schools like Taft, Loomis Putney are competiting in this month-long contest to cut the energy consumption by the greatest percentage....within schools, there are inter-dorm energy saving competitions...Well..it's been really intense here at hotchkiss so far...so when you see kids having classes in the dark, you know why</p>

<p>Yup, I read about it in the Choate and Andover News.</p>

<p>Thanks, though, Bear. :)</p>

<p>Are their parents still allowed to pick them up for the weekend in really big Mercedes and Suburbans?</p>


<p>fun is fun,</p>

<p>I see your point, but awareness has to start somewhere. It's a step in the right direction.</p>

<p>"awareness" of what, exactly?</p>

<p>Awareness of how much energy we waiste in our daily lives. Maybe these kids will chose more energy efficient cars than the generation before them.
I applaud the students and schools who are taking part in the challenge. Every bit helps!</p>

<p>yea i love the environoment and the green cup came up during my interview with st. pauls my interviwer told me everything they were doing to conserve energy</p>

<p>Here at Westover, all the lights are on motion sensors. They just redid the insulation too, and next year my senior project is to get the school running on hydrogen fuel cells (which has NOTHING to do with college, please...).</p>

<p>When I arrived here the first day of classes, my parents and I started laughing. We parked our Lexus between a Ferrari and a Mercedes convertable.</p>

<p>The Green Cup challenge is a great idea, and some of the videos that the schools made for it are hilarious.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.exeter.edu/comm/866_4271.aspx%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.exeter.edu/comm/866_4271.aspx&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>the videos...remember to check out hotchkiss'</p>

<p>I just watched the Exeter video. It's hilarious - "I just wanna play Warcraft." <-- Rofl. :D I loved it when they were in the woods.</p>

<p>Of all the DVDs and videos that I saw this year, the Hotchkiss video was the best. It did the best job of describing the types of adjustments and fears and transitional hurdles that students will make as a general rule by choosing boarding school. And it gave a decent overview of life as a student and what you can expect. There's one scene where the class is getting into a deep discussion and the camera zeroes in on a student whose face is easy-to-read and his face is saying, "What the....? I'm definitely not getting this!" It also captures some of the strong points of the school, particularly with its excellent use of music. Very professional video.</p>