If you were ACCEPTED, did you have the financial aid notification link?

<p>If you were DEFERRED or REJECTED, did you not have it?</p>

<p>Please let me know - mine isn’t on there and I’m not sure if that means I should jump to conclusions and expect I have been deferred or rejected. My letter should come today or tomorrow.</p>


<p>I got accepted and DID NOT have the financial aid notification link on my Agora page. I assume that’s because I did not apply for financial aid…</p>

<p>So I don’t think you can tell based on whether you have it or not! So don’t worry yet!</p>

<p>Ah, thanks for the quick response. I did apply for financial aid, but I was talking to my mom and she thinks it might not be on there because in all reality - I may not have recieved any aid, based on our financial situation.</p>

<p>The past few days I pretty much assumed I hadn’t gotten in… someone else from my area said that when they logged onto their Agora account, it prompted them to pay their admissions deposit or something… I logged in, and to no avail. A bit scared.</p>

<p>I thought you only pay your admissions deposit if you’re sure you want to go…</p>

<p>If prompted to pay admissions deposit when logging into AGORA, that probably is very telling. I don’t get that. If others who have been accepted get that prompt then it probably means we’re deferred or rejected.</p>

<p>Yeah, but this other person hadn’t heard of her decision yet and logged onto Agora to find BC asking her to pay her admissions deposit… which essentially implies that she’s already in. Which is what concerns me, really, because that hasn’t happened to me. Nor the financial aid link.</p>

<p>Is she sure they’re asking for admissions deposit? Or are they saying, “If you have not previously paid your application fee you may do so here…” etc.</p>

<p>Before I had found out about my acceptance, I saw nothing asking me to pay my admissions deposit…I found out on Thursday, and late Thursday night nothing had changed on agora for me…It wasn’t until Friday afternoon (right now) that I have a link asking me to pay the deposit</p>

<p>Ha, yeah - I don’t really know. Honestly, the information about this person was absorbed from a Facebook status. It’s possible that what she read was about the application fee, but I highly doubt it. I’m just concerned because there is nothing new on my Agora, at all. Great.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks Jerseyyyy21 - maybe it’ll just show up later. Or maybe, just maybe, it should have shown up by now.</p>


<p>I checked my Agora today and hit the application status button and instead of it having the list of the documents they’ve received, etc., I get this:</p>

<p>“If you have not previously submitted your non-refundable Enrollment Confirmation and Housing Guarantee fees, please click here to do so.
If you would like to withdraw your admission, please submit the Admission Withdrawal Form.
If you would like to postpone your enrollment, please submit the Admission Deferment Request.”</p>

<p>No letter has arrived yet, but I’m assuming this means I’m in the clear.</p>

<p>Yea Leahy, you’re in! That’s what I have</p>

<p>Ugh, I don’t have that. I still have the list of documents they’ve received. I hate this. </p>

<p>I should probably go write my Penn essay before I get a rejection or deferral from BC, because after that I’m not sure what motivation I’ll have left in me.</p>

<p>Congrats, Leahy.</p>

<p>Deferred. I will forever resent standardized testing. Forever.</p>

<p>If you have not previously submitted your non-refundable Enrollment Confirmation and Housing Guarantee fees, please click here to do so. </p>

<p>If you would like to withdraw your admission, please submit the Admission Withdrawal Form. </p>

<p>If you would like to postpone your enrollment, please submit the Admission Deferment Request. </p>

<p>that was on my agora account under application status but i havent gotten any letter yet… dont want to get ahead of myself, but what does this meannn?!</p>

<p>yeah i got that jess. guess that mean i am in!</p>

<p>still havent received any mail tho…</p>

<p>When my son checked his Agora status today he discovered the new verbage regarding the enrollment deposit. We received a heavy snow today in Wisconsin so there was no mail delivery. We drove down to the local post offfice and lo and behold he received his letter of acceptance!!!</p>

<p>He was elated as was our whole family. For those of you who were accepted congratulations. BC is a wonderful school that is only improving very year. I know as I am an alum who would never have been accepted in my day if the standards were that high.</p>

<p>For those of you who have been deferred please keep your spirits up. We are entering into uncharted territory with the current financial meltdown. There will be many many students who will decide to go to other schools when next spring rolls around. There may be more deferrals and waitlists who ultimately enroll at BC than ever before. </p>

<p>Hang in there and I truly believe that four years from now you will look back at this time as a minor bump in the road.</p>

<p>To all those who think that the link is about the application fee it isn’t. As quoted by people before, it’s the Housing deposit and Enrollment deposit which I believe you submit if you’re sure you want to go to BC. Financial aid should show up on the link next to Application status which is titled Financial Aid Status. My current situation is similar to those who are experiencing issues right now. No link under Application Status. Additionally, I looked under Financial Aid Status and it has no record of me sending in my CSS Profile which I actually sent in early November. If anybody finds a link, please let the general populace know. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>therealmrpeters – I too sent the CSS profile (probably in late October or something) and it fails to show up on that same screen…you’re not alone…should we call the admissions office or something?</p>

<p>^Me too, newyork09, I think I’ll call them on Monday and ask about it.</p>