if you're awake and awaiting UCLA...

<p>there's a meteor shower that will be visible in california.. peak hour: 5am - 5:45am..
supposed to be 10-20 meteors per hour..
a shower with this kind of frequency is said to happen only once every 100 years... so check it out if you'll be awake.</p>

<p>look east!</p>

<p>will do…</p>

<p>ok, looking east</p>

<p>at 5:00…</p>

<p>is this going to be easily noticeable?</p>

<p>when are they releasing or sending me the letter?</p>

<p>I didn’t see any so far… a little bit unhappy about that.
Hope there will be good news for UCLA tomorrow.</p>

<p>It is now, 6:02am Pacific time. Has anyone been able to log into URSA or Myucla? </p>

<p>I tried just now, still three columns.</p>

<p>There won’t be any changes until admissions are at work; that’s if there are any changes at all today.</p>

<p>Last year the first myucla report was the day before admissions were released shortly after 7am. So we could see something in a little</p>


<p>bout 5 min. till 7…</p>

<p>Cr_… what thread did you note that in?</p>

<p>have been waiting for days ever since the financial summary was out… sigh…can’t UCLA just make it a little bit earlier like the how they did to freshmans…</p>

<p>:( i missed it!</p>