<p>I know parents who spend about $250 a month on cigarrettes (I won't even go into all of the other money they waste since it's way off topic)...but are the first to ***** and moan about how poor they are and how the big bad government doesn't do enough for them and their kids. </p>
<p>Seems to me that the $3,000 a year they spend on chasing cancer could be put to better use. But I guess I only believe that because I've been brainwashed? Oh well.</p>
<p>Smoking may kill you eventually, but I don't seewhy people shouldn't. I mean, we are all going to die so why not make it faster. I've never smoked but I've always been intrigued by the whole idea and I think I might try it a few times in college. The only thing stopping me from smoking now (at 16) is my dad who says that he'll punish me (he never said how) if I spend his money on ciggs.
Plus, I think it's okay for girls to smoke: as long as they do it in public and not in a dark alley so no one sees them.</p>
<p>Umm, it's proven that smokers screw up their lungs and many other parts of their body that has permanent damage which causes you to die younger, so don't bother bringing up the fact that we're all going to die unless you bring up who's going to die faster. But yeah, I think it's going to be a little weird in college when so many people smoke, and I know that I never will, but oh well just please don't kill me is probably going to be my only request, but hmmm.</p>
<p>If smokers don't want to be discriminated against by anti smoking campaigns, we shouldn't discriminate against non-smokers. Simple as that.</p>
<p>I smoke cigars, and I would start smoking cigarettes if I ever feel stressed enough. But just a year and a half ago, I thought I'd die if I ever touched a tobacco product.
So don't be too sure about never smoking.
Also don't be too sure about never quitting, for that matter.</p>
<p>Nicotine is a stupid thing to get addicted to. But by all means, if you want to and are willing to respect others rights to not breathe in your smoke, go ahead. </p>
<p>The anti-smoking ads are pretty stupid and sometimes annoying, but decently effective I guess. More so is education at a young age in schools.</p>
<p>And what is with the cigar fixation? So many of the people I hang out with have taken up cigar smoking regularly. How is this any different than cigarettes? Someone please enlighten me. (for the record, I tried one and hated it)</p>
Okay. Good job feeding into the stupid Anti-Smoking campaign.
<p>Are you kidding? It's not stupid! What, you thinks cigarettes arent extremely damaging to your health? Well you're misinformed. Both my parents smoke. My grandpa smoked and he died of lung cancer. Why dont you think about your smartass comments before making them</p>
<p>I decided when I was about 12 to never smoke cigarettes because my grandma died of lung cancer, and I haven't smoked one to this day. I don't think that anti-smoking campaigns have really influenced me all that much, as my decision was made before they were very common. </p>
<p>It's weird though, I like the way the smoke smells (as long as it's just a couple people aroung me) and also like the way people look when smoking (if they're already attractive). Despite that, I still don't think it's worth it (aside from my gma and health)- inconvenient smoke breaks and trips to buy more, the cost of buying them, kissing people who have been smoking doesn't exactly have a good taste.. at all, covering up the smell on your clothes for school/parents, being looked upon poorly by those who disapprove.. </p>
<p>I actually have a question. Is kissing smokers really like "licking an ashtray?" Because my uncle smokes, and whenever he's around, I don't even like being near him because it smells like cigarette smoke. I just happen to not like cigarette smoke, I actually think cigar smoke smells really good haha. But if it smells like that, I hate to think of what a cigarette smoker's mouth tastes like. So, is it true?</p>
<p>Well, I've never licked an ashtray, but I don't think that kissing a smoker is quite as bad. It doesn't really taste like smoke or ash, just sort of.. eh, not good. Even if they brush their teeth, etc. the flavor lingers a bit.</p>