I'm actually voting for Nader

She has the funniest ads.


<p>At the expense of John McCain. That must've been embarrassing, to be outwitted by Paris Hilton.</p>

<p>Personally, I liked The One ad better.</p>

<p>I plan to vote for Chuck Baldwin. People call me dumb and tell me vote is a waste all the time, doesnt really bother me to much. id rather vote for whom I thought was best, rather then the two pathetic mainstream candidates who have no clue on what to do.</p>

<p>I will vote for Baldwin because I am a Huge Paul supporter and thats who he supports. If he supported nobody, then id vote Paul.</p>

<p>Its far better to vote for for who you really think is best then being a follower. Im sorry but voting for a president is not time to be trendy.</p>

<p>I'm actually not caring.</p>

<p>Look at that.</p>