<p>I love Jamba Juice. I have seriously considered driving 4 hours to Chicago many a time simply to get one. Never done it though (yet…).</p>
<p>Sounds like paradise to me Warts. Well, except the earthquakes. LOL</p>
<p>Yes, they aren’t too bad though. I think that the worst we have had recently is maybe a 3. Most of the builidings have earthquake foundation too.</p>
<p>IDK why everyone hates on NJ so much. I think it’s pretty awesome…most of the time…it’s pretty peaceful.</p>
<p>I wish I lived in Oregon. I like the idea of lots of rain. So serene and gloomy. Seems amazing.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t want ot live in California or Georgia though. Seems too sunny, and everyone there seems to be well so happy…idk I think that would **** me off haha.</p>
<p>haha. It’s only really a problem if you live on a fault line. </p>
<p>…And there are quite a few of them actually…
I live on one :] But I’ve only felt two earthquakes in my entire life. They were pretty small.</p>
<p>Lol, trust me meadow, not all people from California are nice. It’s not so sunny on the other side haha(at least where I live…there are quite a few materialistic people)
Washington would probably be another good area for rain. As much as I enjoy it though, I’d hate to drive in it all of the time.</p>
<p>Oregon’s okay… Rain is still too much for me. I wish we had 30% less rainy days.</p>
<p>That’s a relief. I hope you guys don’t ever have a huge one a la 2012.</p>
<p>meadow, please don’t buy into that Southern hospitality BS. I’ve met some of the rudest, meanest, most racist, narrow-minded people in my life. Southern hostility is more like it. I want to move as far away from here as possible.</p>
<p>haha. Warts, you’re right. Bay Area = materialistic. Especially the town where I live in.</p>
<p>I used to live in Seattle. The rain was nice, but it got too depressing. We moved back to Cali eventually (3 weeks…haha), but I miss the trees.</p>
<p>i wanna live in Wyoming with hillbillies.</p>
<p>Wow fairy, you’ve lived all over the place! Very cool:>
Yes, I definitely wouldn’t want to have a lot of rain, but more than we have now would be nice.</p>
<p>haha. Virginia too :]</p>
<p>I think we’re in the middle of a “drought”.</p>
<p>Lol, Warts. People definitely seem to put on that facade at least. Hmm yea, I don’t think I’d just be well-suited for a California type of environment. Seems very intense yet so artificial and fake. I’d even prefer the city life of NYC to a city like LA.</p>
<p>Yeaa plus for Oregon I heard that it has great natural beauty, so another appeal. :)</p>
<p>Lol, happycowlover. I’ve been down South a couple of times. And everyone there was so freakin nice! I kind of enjoyed that sweetness that seemed to eminating from them. But then I was surprised by the overwhelming “white-ness” and “hick-ness” I guess. I wouldn’t mind visiting, but living seems pretty bad.</p>
<p>And rain is nice! idk sometimes feeling sad just feels good.</p>
<p>I’ve always lived in Georgia <em>sad sigh</em>. I would like to live in Colorado.</p>
<p>meadow, there’s SO MUCH racial tension here. People still have Confederate license plates, flags, and hats.</p>
<p>Wow, justs really sad. You would have thought after like 150 years people would gotten over it. Just shows the immutability of human nature, and why prejudices are so hard to overcome, as much we’d like to say they’re no longer present. Because in the back of our minds they’re still unconsciously influencing our actions. okay /end rant</p>
<p>But yes, I know quite a few people form the South and the situation in general seems pretty pathetic. I’m pretty sure most people would like to get out.</p>
<p>I wasn’t a big fan of Texan weather, but I really liked the atmosphere/people. It was so laid back. Whereas in Cali, everything seems so rushed. But the nice thing about the Bay Area is that it’s really diverse and you’ll find a lot of open minded people.</p>
<p>^Exactly:> happycowlover, when I was in San Francisco(just for an occasion, I don’t live there), everyone was very open. They even have a large rainbow flag situated high above the area. I forgot the name of the section though:/</p>
<p>So want to visit Cali! Amazingly, we have a rainbow flag flying high in the touristy part of my city. I wonder if the old folks even know what that stands for?</p>
<p>meadow, it’s depressing. In class Friday, people talked about interracial dating as if it was some bizarre, unknown practice. It’s still considered gossip when two people from different races date down here. <em>rolleyes</em> There’s a lot of voluntary segregation too and people categorizing things to either black people or white people; white people music, black people party, white people clothes, black people food, the list goes on. One guy said as we were discussing slavery in U.S. History class that he was invited to a KKK meeting but he declined! I was seriously stunned by this.</p>
<p>Just wow again. KKK? I thought that died ages ago. Over here racial dating super common. But NJ is pretty diverse I guess.</p>