I dislike watermelon

<p>It's just so mealy and has little to no flavor</p>

<p>there are also annoying seeds</p>

<p>You’ve never had a good watermelon then.</p>

<p>Maybe it’s becuase 'water’melon is 95% water.</p>

<p>and yeah…the seeds get on my nerves occasionally.</p>

<p>That’s too bad. It’s one of the best things to bite into on a summer day.</p>


<p>Watermelons are AMAZING! Also, WednesdayThursdayFriday…don’t have them in the winter…unless you aren’t in US or something…watermelon is a seasonal–summer–fruit.</p>


<p>This is blasphemy of the worst nature (food)!</p>

<p>I’m more of an avocado person.</p>

<p>I love watermelon. Pears are good, too.</p>


I like Nutella :D</p>

<p>I love avocados as well!</p>

<p>Haha, perhaps I overreacted. </p>

<p>But now I LOVE YOU.</p>

<p>Because Nutella is my thing. as are avocados! LOVE THEM BOTH. not together…but still. Both are amazing in their own wayyy</p>

<p>… but I don’t like bananas so… :b</p>

<p>It’s okay, I like nutella more…Avocados are different, but guacamole are MUCH MUCH better than bananas.</p>

<p>You should like bananas. They are a great grab-and-go food.</p>

<p>I guess it depends on the individual banana</p>

<p>If it’s too green, it’s gross</p>

<p>lol Nutella is always good!!!</p>

<p>Well, obviously don’t have green bananas!</p>

<p>Nutella is just…indescribably incredible. What a palate pleaser and taste-maker.</p>

<p>rantingaboutnutellaforSIXTEENSECONDSahhhhhhhhNUtellaisthegodofthechocolates. GO NUTELLA GO! WINTHEGOLDWINTHEGOLDiloveNUTELLAOLYMPICS!thatwouldbeagreatideaihtink,don’tyou??</p>

<p>The bananas I bought went bad and brown…but i just can’t bring myself to throw them away. I keep thinking “they’re not that bad.” </p>

<p>Look for me on Hoarders in four years. I bet that’s how they all started. </p>

<p>And avocado on Ritz crackers = heaven.</p>

<p>Maple, don’t ever speak to me again. </p>

<p>I live on watermelons (the seedless kind).</p>

<p>^Haha, I LOVE YOU FAIRY. Agreed 110%.</p>

<p>Watermelons are just so great and refreshing and awesome and snack-worthy.</p>


<p>Yesss. We both love the best foods :]</p>

<p>Whenever we buy a watermelon, my mom gives me a whole half and chops up the other half for the rest of my family.</p>

<p>Imma fruit maniac. My year is divided into fruit seasons rather than actual weather seasons…</p>

<p>OMG! My mom does the SAME THING. My whole family knows I’m nuts about watermelon (and fruit in general), so as a rule, I just get more than them…haha…</p>

<p>I don’t trust seedless watermelon. It seems unnatural and evil.
There are supposed to be seeds!</p>

<p>I bet they’re doing some sort Resident Evil bio crap to remove them. </p>

<p>Then, there will be watermelon zombies. Is that what you want?</p>

<p>^I’m sure you eat genetically modified food every day.</p>