<p>hey, just want to know where everyone else is from...</p>
<p>Mahopac, New York</p>
<p>hey, just want to know where everyone else is from...</p>
<p>Mahopac, New York</p>
<p>Los Angeles, California!</p>
<p>Durham, North Carolina (...yeah it isnt that exciting)</p>
<p>clemmons, nc</p>
<p>Durham itself.</p>
<p>Raleigh! yay.</p>
<p>Houston, TX</p>
<p>Landover, MD!!!!!</p>
<p>Morganton, NC</p>
<p>with a slight change in verb tense; Rapid City, South Dakota</p>
<p>West Bloomfield, MI</p>
<p>Northern Virginia</p>
<p>Eagle Pass, Texas</p>
<p>Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA!</p>
<p>New Mexico, but I've moved around quite a bit</p>
<p>Hamilton, Montana! Woohoo!</p>
<p>palo alto, california</p>
<p>Atlanta, Georgia</p>
<p>Raleigh, NC</p>
<p>princeton, nj</p>