I'm interested in applying to Harvard, and here are some achievements I achieved while in high school and during my gap year

well yes.

3 of them were after high school.

Ok, now I am really confused.

You are an international student who was accepted to the University of Chicago. Did you turn down UChicago and hope that you would be accepted to Harvard?

Why exactly do you think Harvard is so much better than UChicago? I have two children, and one attend(ed) each, so I am particularly curious about your response.

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Is there some reason why you decided not to attend University of Chicago? And why the pivot to Harvard now?

me and our team all going massachusets.having hope

My team and I are going to Massachusetts.

Why did you not attend UChicago when you had the opportunity? Did you apply to Harvard last year as well (if so, what was the outcome)?

It looks like Harvard’s acceptance rate for the class of 2027 was under 4% (and likely half of that for international students). It must be considered a real reach for ANY unhooked applicant. Simply put, there are many more well qualified applicants than spots available. By all means apply to Harvard and give it your all but be sure to give yourself other options as well.

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I have decided to defer admission for a few reasons.

Well, for your sake, I hope you are not choosing “prestige” over fit.

I can tell you that both of my children had the other’s college at #6 on their preference list (i.e. for my daughter Harvard was #6 on her list, whereas for my son UChicago was #6 on his list). I will also note that my daughter was happier with her education at UChicago than my son is at Harvard.

What does this mean!

Two of my team members were accepted to Tufts and Boston University.

wow, it’s also interesting that both of your children had the other’s school as their #6 choice. This suggests that they were both open-minded about their options and willing to consider schools that they hadn’t originally thought of. This is a great attitude to have when applying to college, as it can lead to unexpected and rewarding experiences.

Team members for what? And any way…your friends are already IN greater Boston now or will be soon… It’s very possible they will move on from whatever it is you are doing.

You need to be realistic. There are tons of colleges in the greater Boston area that are far less competitive for admissions than Harvard is. Sure…apply away. But as noted, the acceptance rate for international students is 2% or less.

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Please clarify. Did you defer your enrollment to University of Chicago…or just not accept the offer of admission.

but it says 14.8% for international application.

Yes, I deferred my enrollment.

@Mwfan1921 does University of Chicago allow students who have differed enrollment to then apply out to other universities during the deferral period?

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The acceptance rate overall for Harvard is in the single digits. The acceptance rate for international students is likely half of that.


I do not know!

OP, what does the fine print of your UChicago gap year agreement say? Can you apply to other schools while on this break?

Here’s the verbiage from the website, which doesn’t give full detail:

Gap Years

UChicago will consider requests to take a one-year gap year from incoming first-year students before June 15. To be eligible for consideration, interested students should accept their offer of admission and place an enrollment deposit (or have a deposit fee waiver in place). Students must then apply for a gap year through their regional admissions counselor and will receive written confirmation from the Dean of Admissions if approved. Gap year requests should include a plan for a full year of structured programming, work, community involvement, or other exploration that could not be completed while enrolled in school. Students taking gap years will be asked to sign an agreement outlining expectations for conduct during their gap year. Second or two-year gap year requests are rarely approved except under unavoidable or well-defined national policies (typically including obligatory national/military service or other similar commitments).

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There is nowhere that Harvard says this. If you found that information on a non-Harvard site, it’s wrong. Last year’s acceptance rate was 3.4%. While they don’t break out international acceptance rates, my experience tells me it was in the 1.5% range

What they do reveal is that there are a grand total of 3 undergrads from your country. So they accept roughly one per year. Are you the strongest applicant in the entire country? Maybe. Maybe not