I'm OOS and interested in Virginia Tech for the Corps of Cadets. Financial Aid?

<p>I am aspiring to be a Marine Corps Officer and I am interested in Virginia Tech for its Corps of Cadets program. At the moment, Texas A&M is my first choice, and they make sure that all OOS students in the Corps get instate tuition and substantial financial aid. Does Virginia Tech do anything like that? I am from Georgia if it matters.</p>


<p>Sadly, no. The only concession VT makes to many (not all) OOS students is to give them a $3000 scholarship (the Emerging Leader Scholarship). If you stay in the Corps, keep your grades up & stay out of trouble you’ll keep getting it for four years. It seems to be a ‘first past the post’ thing - they have a certain number for OOS (I <em>think</em> it was about 2/3rds of the OOS students in the last few classes) and if you accepted your offer of admission while they still had scholarships you got one. Other than that, you’re in the same boat as other VT students when it comes to financial aid.</p>

<p>As a Georgia resident you might want to check if you qualify for a break on tuition through the Academic Common market: <a href=“http://www.sreb.org/page/1304/academic_common_market.html[/url]”>Academic Common Market - Southern Regional Education Board;