I'm Really Worried about Letters of Rec...

<p>I have a very strong-willed personality, and in my CA essay I talk about how my open-mindedness and stubbornness co-exist. This is very very true and I did not make anything up. However, I am not certain that my teacher's recommendation letters will reflect this. Because I have never formed very very strong relationships with any of my teachers. I participate a lot and ask questions, and go in for extra help, and occasionally chat it up with them, but never have I had a teacher as a "mentor." I'm afraid that admissions officers will think that my CA is not an accurate reflection of me. HELP! D:</p>

<p>If you feel you REALLY need that info, ask your teachers for some time to talk. But I think it’s better for you to talk with your counselor if you want someone writing about your personality, since teacher recs are generally more obliged to focus on academic/class participation side of you.</p>