I'm screwed! Left community service description half unfinished

<p>Okay, so I pretty much finished everything on my application by I realized on one of my descriptions for a community service/activity I stopped in the middle of the sentence and wrote “edit” because I was supposed to edit it later. -.~ Okay so now i probably won’t be able to edit it cause I guess online you can only edit personal/contact info! Will this mean I am completely out of the question for berkeley / UCLA because it shows I kind of rushed/didn’t pay attention?? Is there anything I should/can do to fix this stupid problem?? Writing a letter? anything? Please help!</p>

<p>We probably need UCD Admissions to weigh in on this matter =)</p>

<p>(I'm in kind of the same situation... is it practical to email UC asking them to change one of the information I put down for an extracurricular activity?)</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry too much. If your app is generally impressive, I would forgive a silly thing such as that.</p>