I'm so confused! How do you register for section retakes for the ACT?

I have a really high ACT score but I’ve got a low math score that’s dragging it down so I want to retake that section, except for the problem I can’t figure out how to register for just a single section of the ACT. Could anyone help me with that? Thanks.

You can’t.

That was supposed to go into effect this year, but covid derailed that and it’s on hold until next fall as of now.

If you want to retake it, you need to retake the entire test.

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When ACT actually rolls out this announced program and allows you to do single section retesting, I’m sure they will provide instructions on how to register.


At this time, ACT is planning for section retesting to be available later in 2021 but will continue to monitor the impacts of COVID-19 on test center capacity to prioritize safe and equitable access to testing.

I suspect that will be Fall 2021 at the earliest.

I wonder if section retakes will ever happen.

Remember, they are computer based only and not many sites are setup to offer many seats, if any, to take computer based tests.

My kids’ HS, a large public in an affluent area that typically has 500+ seats on any given test day, had no intention of offering section retakes when they were announced (pre-Covid).