Im taking the SAT in December. What do I do about my scores?

<p>I am sending my scores to Rutgers for the December test.</p>

<p>But the deadline is Monday.</p>

<p>I took JUn and Nov tests *** do i do</p>

<p>no time, forget rutgers and your dec. sat scores. its way too late</p>

<p>whats their nummber?</p>



<p>Thats what i did too. I took the Jan. and Nov. Tests and sent them over to RU last week along with my app. Just put down on the application tha you are taking the Dec. one. </p>

<p>When you take the Dec. one send it over. But you might be accepted in the mean time.</p>

<p>i havent sent them my NOV and June Scores</p>