Image Descriptions

In this post I just did (Essays- Actual job posting on Indeed - #24 by AustenNut) I got really excited thinking that when there was an edit button on the preview screen that I could type in an image description so that people using screen readers would know what was in the pictures. As that may not be a particularly helpful description, this is what I’m talking about:

[Image description: An inserted image with a red arrow pointed to a blue editing pencil from a preview screen]

When my message posted, however, the image description didn’t pop up when I hovered over it or display anywhere. Is that blue edit pencil designed for an image description, or did I just do some wonky stuff? If that’s not what it’s there for, is there a more elegant way of adding in image descriptions that what I just did (i.e. a bracketed description beneath the picture)?

Based on a glance at the source code with Inspect Element, you successfully added alt tags to the images. Alt text will be read by screen readers in place of the image and display visually if the image fails to load. Some websites also display it when you mouse over an image, but CC doesn’t seem to do that.

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Personally, I’d like to go a week without 50X errors before having anyone spend one nanosecond investigating niche enhancements.


I hear ya. :frowning: I’m hoping to announce a maintenance window soon.

Didn’t mean to cause stress to any admin folk, as I thought the answer would have been simple (yes, you did it right or no, use this function, or no, just use brackets).

Thanks for confirming for me, @HazelEnvirons.

It’s fine. :wink: We do need to know about this sort of thing too. It’s just not a high priority at the moment.

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