IMP--math help PLEASE!!

<p>if you take IMP math....
ok so if you do, im in year 4, the pollsters dilemma unit. CANNOT FIGURE OUT POW 10: THE KING'S SWITCHES. does ANYONE know the formula for this damn thing??? any impers?? please help, im so frusterated and i cant figure this out.</p>

<p>actually even if you dont take imp....</p>

<p><em>*can anyone find a formula for the following in/out table??</em></p>

<p>IN (x): OUT (y):

<p>help help help please please please!</p>

<p>what's IMP...</p>

<p>hell on earth</p>

<p>hahaha.... our school just started using IMP and I hear the problems are very difficult. I remember one problem, the whole math and science dept. came together to try to figure it out.... and couldn't. I'm talking algerbra, trig., calc, physics, chemistry, etc. teacher couldn't figure it out. Finally everyone took it home and worked on it. The wife of the chem. teacher actually found the right answer. Sorry I'm no help to you :( But I thought you'd like the story...</p>


<p>See the pattern yet? Binary numbers
IMP math looks like fun...I have no idea what it means, but I like what I see...</p>

<p>(if you need a fuller explanation...)
1 = 1 in binary
2 = 10 in binary
5 = 101 in binary
10 = 1010 in binary
21 = 10101 in binary</p>