importance of masters prestige/ranking

<p>so how important is it where you get your masters from in terms of going on to a phD program later on the road..? </p>

<p>i plan on becoming a teacher or comm. college instructor after getting a masters in a field such as history or government...</p>

<p>but would like to consider possibility of applying to a top phD program eventually...3-5 years depending on whether or not i get married...</p>

<p>MA programs are not usually “ranked.” The way to judge them is in terms of placement rates. Where do their students go on to doctoral study afterward? What is the percentage of students who do go on?</p>

<p>You didn’t ask for this, but I must caution you that getting a CC job with only an MA will be an uphill battle. Most CC applicants in history hold the PhD.</p>

<p>I made this exact same thread a few weeks ago and everyone said that it means nothing. Just make sure the university is accredited and just do as best as you can when you go there.</p>