Importance of the first semester of senior year

<p>What’s the importance of the first semester of senior year for getting accepted into a uc?</p>

<p>Is it equal to that of the junior and sophomore semesters, or is it the same as that of the second semester of senior year, in that academic performance only must be upheld enough not to have the uc’s reject the original application?</p>

<p>If you screw it up, your offer of admission will be revoked. You have to show the colleges that accepted you that you work hard, and you’re not going to slack off just because you got accepted.</p>

<p>iIt is pretty important. You should take it as seriously as Jr year. You can chill a little in the spring.</p>

<p>its same is, if not more important, than junior year. like the above said, you can slack off second semester.</p>

<p>I heard at a college fair once that most schools consider the first semester of senior year to be more important than sophomore year (both after junior year, of course).</p>

<p>If you get a D or F in a class or get below a 3.0 GPA your senior year (both semesters), they will revoke your admissions.</p>

<p>1st semester senior year is not that important at all, save for maybe the difficultly of your semester class load, i.e. they’re looking for the same rigor as all four years, otherwise that’s it.</p>

<p>Most UC’s only look for sophomore and junior year grades. After all, you’re applying by November 30, which is essentially like applying EA/ED at most universities. The UCs do not ask for you to report senior year grades nor do they ask for a transcript of grades until the end of the year when you have made your final decision.</p>

<p>The two most important things for senior year for UC’s are essentially:

  1. Keeping the same level of rigor for admission’s sake
  2. Maintaining 3.0 (un)weighted GPA with no D’s or F’s for the sake of not getting rescinded</p>

<p>Aren’t a small number of students asked for a “supplement” or something? Might that include fall semester grades?</p>

<p>Here’s something…</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;