Important! Harvard Supplement Question!

<p>Hello, all!</p>

<p>While attempting to fill our the Harvard supplemental application, I came across those annoying questions:
How definite do you consider your academic plans to be?
How definite do you consider your vocational plans to be?
How definite are your extracurricular and / or athletic interests</p>

<p>and then you have to rank them from 1 (absolutely certain) to 5 (very likely to change)</p>

<p>...does Harvard take much stock in these questions? I'm planning on putting a 4 or 5 for vocation plans, does that just make me sound indecisive? </p>

<p>Any advice ya'll have would be greatly appreciated :D</p>

<p>I think it’s probably for their own information, not really for an admissions purpose. They know that 17 and 18 year olds change their minds all the time</p>