<p>I just looked online and i wanted to get the student answer service thing for 12 dollars. But the it says NOTE: actual test questions are not included with SAS. Does this mean that they dont give u the SAT booklet with ur questions? Bc my friend ordered and he got the SAT booklet when purchasing this. He got his answers and his questions.</p>
<p>Also, my SAT score for the first time was 1960... 740-Math 600 CR and 620 W...
i need to get at least a 2150. can anyone tell me how i can improve my wrting AND CR. I have tried so hard to improve CR but i wont budge..</p>
<p>read alot for CR - not necessarily passages, just… anything. also, while you’re practicing (as well as when you’re taking the actual test), underline what’s important! it works. and writing… what did you get on the essay? if that’s what was dragging you down, write a longer one next time. that’s all i’ll say.</p>
<p>yeah, it’s not necessarily quality for them. more quantity. but for the other writing sections, the best help you can get is from the 10 Real SATs book. also, check out the collegeboard website and go over the grammar rules. they’re crucial.</p>
<p>I ordered something where I got a test book back. I think it was QAS? If that’s different? But I don’t think I got the exact booklet that I used but I got a copy of the same test with my answers…and which ones I missed. It was very helpful!
I got a 1880 the first time and then 2230 a year later so you can definitely improve. Even getting that 2230, I think there’s STILL room for me to improve!</p>
<p>CR is my worst section…so can’t give you much advice on that but practice tests help ALOT for all 3 sections. From the advice people have given me, just make sure the answer is supported in the text. </p>
<p>WR was my biggest improvement! I was really excited. Again, do practice problems under timed conditions and then go back and see what problems you missed. Then jot down why you missed it (like is it subject/verb agreement, verb tense…etc) and what it’s supposed to be. Review those notes before taking another practice test. Soon, you’ll notice that the same mistakes keep showing up over and over again!</p>
<p>You are confusing student answer service (SAS) and question-and-answer service (QAS). SAS is a one-page report; QAS give you a copy of the test and a printout of your answers. QAS is available only three times a year; SAS is available on the other dates.</p>