In a pickle...

So I am in a bit of a pickle. I have finished off my 4 semester at CC with a very low gpa of 2.18 (due to certain circumstances).

I really really want to transfer to A&M but obviously my gpa doesn’t even meet the minimum of 2.5 to apply for transfer. Right now I am at 59 hours and will be taking 9 hours in the summer. One of the classes I am taking during the summer is a math class that I did bad in during winter minimester (I received a D). I am also taking 16 hours in the fall (also retaking another math class I received an F in) and hope to bring my gpa up to about a 2.7. By the end of fall I will have completed my associates and will “graduate” from my CC. (I will have 84 hours by the end of fall)

Do I have any chance of getting into the College of Ag and Life Sciences at A&M? Will retaking the class I got a D in be pointless?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Have you looked here?

It depends on your major. Each major in the CALS has different minimum requirements. Some are 2.5, some 2.75 and some 3.0. Some require specific pre-reqs and grades of a C or better in those pre-reqs. Math seems to be one that they want a C or better in.

I think somewhere there is a requirement you must complete your last 60 hours in residence at TAMU, so coming in halfway through a junior year might be a problem. I need to look that up though.

I don’t know the certain circumstances you have had that resulted in less than a B average at CC but if they have not been fully addressed you should consider whether you can really handle the work at TAMU.

Rule 14.20 seems to say you have to get your last 36 hours at TAMU, not 60 like I thought.

If I were you, I contact the advisor at the link above for your specific major and ask your questions.

i would also come up with a back up plan - maybe Texas Tech or TAMU Commerce?

Thank you for your response @gettingschooled. I have tried to contact an advisor and haven’t gotten a response in about 3 weeks now, so I’m assuming they’re on vacation or something.

I have another for you. Say the school does not have any recommended (required) coursework, but I do have all the classes completed in the additional coursework area. Do they look at a gpa for just those courses AND a cumulative gpa or is it just the cumulative gpa they look at?

It appears they look at the cumulative in that case but I am just looking at the same website you are. I don’t have any insider knowledge. Have you tried asking at in the academics forum?

No I haven’t, but I’m sure it will be pretty helpful. I will check it out.

Thanks for your help @gettingschooled!

For the best information call the Aggieland Prospective Student Center and talk to an admissions counselor their number is (979) 458-0950 or email - that way you will get correct information.