I'n getting worried... Are my safety schools "safe" enough? Am I aiming too high?

<p>I know it's a bit late in the admissions process to be re-thinking the schools you're applying to, but that's what I find myself doing. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could take minute to review my schools and tell me whether I'm aiming too high and need to add safety schools. My major conern is my ECs, which I think may be a bit too few and far-between for top schools.</p>

<p>So, my stats...</p>

<p>GPA - about 4.7 W, about 3.7 UW
SATs - 2160 (760CR, 660M, 740W)
SAT IIs - haven't gotten my results back yet, but I think I did pretty well (650-700ish) on Latin and Lit, and at least fairly well in Bio</p>

<p>I've taken nearly all honors classes and 6 APs.</p>

<p>I go to a private school that I believe is highly regarded academically (it's a "Blue Ribbon School of Excellence"), if that counts for anything.</p>

<p>I have at least one really stellar teacher rec.</p>

<p>Academic awards etc - I'm a National Merit Semifinalist. I have won several awards within my school over the years, most notably for my english, latin, and spanish classes. I have won a gold medal on the National Latin Exam three years in a row. I acheived the 2nd-highest score on the Words Masters Challenge out of all underclassmen at my school. </p>

<p>Now for my ECs:
They sound pretty good, but the fact is that I have not been super-involved with any one of them, which I know is what a lot of colleges seem to be looking for. My time devoted to them is something like an hour per week, about 10 or 12 weeks per year. Anyway, they include:
Amnesty international (grades 9, 10)
Model Legislature (10, 11, 12)
School newspaper <a href="10,%2011,%2012">copy editor</a>
Community service, tutoring (all years - about 50 or less hours total for all four years)
National Honor Society (I barely do anything for this)
Excalibur science honor society (ditto)
Photo club - just for the heck of it, I know nothing about photography (12)
After-school job - cashier (about 5 hours per week)</p>


<p>So, my fear is that I'll come across as someone who's academic enough, but is too introverted / not involved in the community enough / not a leader. I'm sure I come across as a "good student", but I'm afraid that my non-academic aspects seem weak.</p>

<p>The schools that I consider my "reaches" are Tufts and Johns Hopkins. My safeties are Northeastern, Boston University (maybe) and Providence College (maybe). I'm also applying to Brandeis and Holy Cross. </p>

<p>Do you think I have a reasonable chance at JHU and Tufts? I'm applying sort of close to the deadline and the only interview I've scheduled so far is Brandeis (I'm going to try to get others - I hope it's not too late!) I'm also kinda writing my essays at the last minute too...</p>

<p>So what do you think of my school list? Reasonable? Any schools you'd like to recommend for me? (Preferably schools in the New England area that aren't too small, are good for majoring in biology, and have fairly intellectual students - I don't want to go to a party school!)</p>

<p>...It felt good to get all that off my chest. =) Any reply would be very appreciated!!</p>

<p>youre fine. easily into providence, northeastern, holy cross, bu. probably into brandeis.</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback!
Anyone else?</p>

<p>like you said, your academic standing is great... the ECs could be better though. theres really nothing you can really do about them now though so dont worry. id say, play up your best assets in your essays.. and if you can, schedule some more interviews. colleges are really into those these days. youll get accepted to all of your safeties most likely and your chances are pretty good for tufts and john hopkins. just my opinion.</p>

<p>How about money?</p>

<p>With your credentials there are many schools that would give you a full ride - U of Pitt for one, I'll bet. </p>


<p>Holy Cross offers merit aid for Latin/Classics majors and has the strongest alumni network of the list. Also very good for Biology as is Brandeis.</p>