In-state residency?

<p>I'm an out-of-state incoming freshmen and obviously money is a big issue for me.
I have no scholarship, just the FAFSA and loan. I don't want $48,000 of loan after
graduating VT. So I was wondering what are the realistic options for applying or becoming
a residence of VA? (I have no relatives here btw, if that matters) Also does living in a dorm or apartment rent counts as living in VA?</p>

<p>According to this if you’re just living in VA for academic reasons you probably won’t get in state tuition. </p>

<p>[Virginia</a> Residency | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Virginia”></p>

<p>hmmmmm so living in dorms don’t count but rent apartments do??</p>

<p>Uh, no, neither is likely to count if you’re just living in VA to go to school. Otherwise basically everyone could be a resident by Junior/Senior year.</p>

<p>so I guess there are no realistic options …haha…
so it’s either scholarships or get a part/time to get some savings
hmmmm $44,000 of freaking loan…</p>

<p>I have friends whose parents purchased houses in VA, and who have switched their drivers licenses/license plates and are working in VA, and they’ve still been unsuccessful in being considered VA residents. You’re unlikely to gain residency if you live out of state.</p>

<p>This is much harder then it used to be. Twenty some years ago you could do as the above poster states and be pretty sure you’d get in-state status. Not any more. They make it very clear do not expect to change your residency after you start school. It is rarely done.</p>

<p>I see…
I guess it’s good to know about this in advance rather than
trying too hard for residency…
guess I would just get a part time and start saving some money
thanks for the replies</p>

<p>Did you look into the academic common market? Depending on your state of residence and your program at VA Tech, you might qualify for in-state tuition.</p>

<p>thanks but I checked it I’m not one of those eligible states…</p>

<p>for yall still trying to get instate this is the detailed info from the VT website</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;