<p>I just got a new job at Washington University (that's not work study), but I haven't gotten my first paycheck yet. Anyways, I was wondering what percentage of your income is usually taxed? A rough estimate is fine. Also, I live in Missouri.</p>
<p>all together, as in social security, federal, etc...everything that is taken out (besides uniform costs or whatever)</p>
<p>...well here in michigan, its about 20%</p>
<p>oh...sorry, i dont think I answered you question...sorry</p>
<p>I've got a book upstairs...one sec, I have the exact percentage</p>
<p>If you want to know....you've got to tell me what your yearly income would be.</p>
<p>I understand if you dont want to, so just say no thanks or whatever if you dont want..</p>
<p>Its an income variant, which is why i would need to know</p>
<p>since you probably don't make much it'll be 20 percent. HOwever, if you do file taxes you'll get about 10 percent back at the end of the year, yeah its pretty crappy.</p>
<p>^ what she/he said, basically
'course, you probably dont make a sallary, so you probably wouldnt know your exact earnings anyways...but if you do, tell me, I can give you an exact figure</p>
<p>your typical college student job will probably be taxed somewhere around 18-19%</p>
<p>I'm from NJ and go to Wash U. I work for a department there, and am not on work study, and I've been receiving 100% of my money (i.e. no tax witholdings) - That shouldn't happen, however, and I'm convinced it's a glitch in their payroll system for me. I've tried without any luck to contact the payroll office over the summer, but will when I get on campus.</p>
<p>However, for my summer job in NJ, I received 80% of my hourly pay after all taxes (NJ state & federal) are taken out. Missouri probably takes out a bit less than NJ.</p>
<p>if you work under the table, they dont make you pay taxes, but you're not going to get that at a university</p>
<p>If you make under a certain amount per year ($5,000 it was last year) you don't have to pay taxes, or if you file will get a refund check. If you are just working part time you may fall under that category. Your parents still have to be claiming you as dependant and a few other stipulations too...</p>
<p>Your school may take the money out of your paycheck, or not. Mine doesn't until I reach a certain amount earned per year. You can ask your student employment office if you have questions about policies.</p>