Industrial technology

I think my son has settled on Industrial Technology or Industrial Engineering and wants to stay in CA. Neither is a common major, but his EI of 4314 should gain him admission to SJSU. Anyone know if an MCA of 4240 is enough to get into Cal Poly SLO?
I think probably not for industrial engineering, but there are hardly any Industrial Tech majors who posted stats.
I appreciate any information.

Usually for any Engineering at SLO, you want a target MCA of 4700. Cal Poly Pomona would be a better Match target for IE than SLO. Have him apply to both and see where he is accepted.

IE at SLO does have a greater than 50% acceptance but it will come down to how he compares with the rest of the IE applicants.

Industrial Technology and Packaging has an even higher acceptance rate than IE so another option for applying to SLO.

Some MCA data:
Accepted: Industrial Technology & Packaging
GPA: 4.05
ACT: 31
MCA: 4615
In state

Industrial Engineering
MCA 4650

4749 MCA
Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering
MCA 4617

Industrial Engineering

He looked at CPP but it looks like only San Jose State, CSULA, and Cal Poly SLO have industrial technology. CSU Fresno has it but it looks agriculturally focused. That’s why I was hoping for some further data on ITP at SLO, and that it was less competitive!

I would definitely say that ITP is less competitive than IE at SLO so he should definitely apply. Based on 2019 projections, they expected 121 Freshman applicants for 32 spots but depending upon yield for ITP, they could accept up to 3x as applicants vs. spots.