Industrial with a bad rap?

<p>It seems to me that many people dont even consider industrial engineering to be a "real" engineering branch. Why is this? It seems to be the only branch of industrial engineering that studies stochastic processess and upper level maths... I would think that such a discipline would be considered harder, but this is not so...</p>

<p>Well, it’s often times because IE’s don’t work on ‘actual’ products, but rather work on systems and processes. Hence, their deliverables aren’t something tangible objects you can touch, like a car or a microchip, but rather is something abstract like a flowmap or a report. {The counterargument is that many other engineers don’t produce tangible, touchable outputs either. For example, an electrical engineer who invents a new telecommunications standard doesn’t really produce anything truly tangible, but just produces a series of abstract reports.}</p>

<p>The other aspect is that IE has often times been considered one of the ‘easier’ engineering majors due to the more forgiving grading standards.</p>

<p>thanks sakky…</p>

<p>that makes some sense :)</p>