Info about Alabama: Read this first!

I would like to say being a spectator is not all bad. You have a lot of fun and do not have to put in as much physical effort!! :))

Visiting REU scholar made these videos giving a tour of much of the UA campus. This is what campus looks like in the early summer, when most undergrads are away.

@mom2collegekids, is this engineering scholarship still in effect? DD will be a senior this year and is interested in chemical engineering. She likes UAH, which we have toured. UA may seem like too big of a school for her, but I’d like to weigh all our options.

@GeorgiaMom50, are you asking about UA’s REU program? If so, yes, it is indeed still in effect.

@GeorgiaMom50 Do you mean the 2500 per year for certain test scores? The CoE hasn’t yet announced its awards.

@mom2collegekids, yes. Do you know when they will announce?

@aeromom, I was meaning the scholarships for engineering students.

@georgiamom50 great that you are exploring all options. Keep in mind that from the beginning to the end of DD’s senior year, she may blossom and be ready for a bigger school experience than UAH - although UAH is great for a lot of students and offers an excellent education. I imagine both schools have active programs like SWE (Society of Women in Engineering - DD is a member at UA). I haven’t gone back to see if your DD has a major in mind. If she wants to study civil engineering, there is a larger program at UA and offers a depth of specialization (DD is majoring in both civil and architectural eng with architectural a sub-type in civil). At any school, students need to find their ‘tribe’ - circle of friends.

Thanks, @SOSConcern. DD is interested in chemical engineering.

At a smaller school like UAH, the smaller circle or professors could be a double edged sword - either you love all of them and everything is hunky dory, or you have someone for more than one course who you just don’t like. However UAH does have a strong engineering school - however I would read over/look over who the professors would be. At a larger school, you just end up seeing who you get. I got a graduate business degree at UAH and the professor I had for several courses was wonderful.

Please don’t ask questions in this thread. This is an info only thread. Questions just clutter up the thread and make it less efficient. If you need to ask a question, please make a new thread. I thought this thread would be a good addition to this one. Should be of interest especially to out of state students looking at UA.

Does anyone know if the tuition supplement (to equal tuition cost) for out of state applicants with certain ACT/SAT scores applying to the engineering college is still in effect? The website for engineering scholarships only mentions $2,500 per year, regardless of residency.

yes and no. 32+ is full tuition plus $2,500 from engineering, 30+ is 2/3 tuition and $2,500 from engineering but no supplement for full tuition. New rendering for UA Arts Center. Truly amazing plans! Future UA Theater, Dancd and Arts students are so lucky!