I am currently an undergraduate sophomore in the honors program at DePaul University. I am majoring in information technology. I originally started out as health science major but have found that I truly have a passion for computers. I have just begun to take classes in IT and I am really enjoying the coding part and feel that I could potentially want to go to grad school for computer science. DePaul does have a computer science major but it has far more requirements and is harder to start as a sophomore and graduate on time. For this reason, I chose IT. Furthermore, within the IT major I have the opportunity to take 5 major electives and I can take as many computer science classes as I want for these 5 major electives. I would love to attend a top computer science grad program such as Stanford and get my masters after I graduate. What are my chances? If I major in IT will I not have any chance of getting a masters at a top school for computer science? I plan on doing research with a professor and do many activities. I would love to hear your thoughts and/or discuss with anybody who has been down this road.
This is the curriculum for IT at DePaul: https://www.cdm.depaul.edu/academics/Pages/Current/Requirements-BS-in-Information-Technology-Standard.aspx