<p>I am posting this on behalf of a friend with a senior D.</p>
<p>White suburban girl, top public school (Chicago suburb), sends lots of kids to Ivies etc.
ACT: 34 (30 on first try, 34 on second)
Full honors load, GPA 3.93 UW, 4.7 W, hardest courseload possible
I don't know her AP's and / or SAT II's, but will fill in when I get - will probably have 7-8 AP's by the time graduate.
Activities: Varsity tennis, ballroom dance (on a team that is in state competitions), school leader in service and different activities ... Peer group leader, Sr leader in PE ... Piano (local competitions), a cappella, highly involved in musicals (not music / dance major, but wants to participate in these in college). Natural leader "finger in every pie" type, will interview well and will get great recs from teachers, etc. </p>
<p>Desires in school:
Preferably size 3,000 - 7,000
Preferably more urban area, preferably not midwest (though will consider outside Chicago)
Social -- wants strong social life, likes Greek system / active social life
Financial aid not an issue
Unsure what wants to do -- possibly engineering, but for right now undecided.</p>
<p>List right now includes Yale, Penn, Princeton ... USC (legacy) ... Wash U (though concerned not social enough) ... Brown ... Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill ... Stanford, Pomona ... Vanderbilt (sister attends, they count sibling as legacy) ... Emory ... Boston U and Colby (neither fit criteria, not sure why on list) ... U of Illinois as safety, but not thrilled about. Northwestern would be a "usual suspect" but too close to home for her taste. Would not consider women's colleges despite being dragged to them and strong parental pushing :-).</p>
<p>Now, the kicker. Her activities this year are very strongly athletically related -- tennis, soccer, dancing at a high level. She was injured over the weekend and will likely need surgery which will put her out of tennis, soccer and ballroom dance -- essentially all her activities -- for at least the next 5 months -- and will require significant investment of time in phys therapy. Needless to say, she is devastated --- the things she'd hoped to put on her resume for her senior year are now dashed and she has to go down a different path. The stress of this severe injury plus the normal senior year stress is quite heavy. She had wanted to ED to Yale and the family is thinking ED in general a good strategy. </p>
<p>My friend supports her EDing to Yale, but asked for my honest opinion (we are close enough I can give!). I think her list is too top-heavy / reachy, and driven by "what the kids are all talking about" at this competitive high school. She needs some realism about her choices and some criteria to help her choose matches and safeties. GC's are suggesting the "same old same old" usual suspects. Fresh new choices / thoughts?</p>
<p>Welcome any and all. I'll be sharing this thread with my friend. Thanks in advance.</p>