Input on choosing a school please!

Hey everyone! I have a big decision to make in a very short period of time, so i would love to hear input on the following options i have so far from current students or anyone with an opinion! I’m an Asian female going into engineering, but i also have a passion for political science and environmental activism.

Unless i get into my remaining top choices (Princeton, Stanford, Penn M&T), I have to 1) narrow down which colleges I should go visit again, and 2) ultimately make my decision.

These are my options so far:

  1. Caltech (MechE)
  2. Columbia Fu (MechE, Likely letter, Davis Scholar)
  3. Rice (MechE, Half Ride)
  4. Johns Hopkins (BME, but I may switch to MechE if I go)
  5. UT (MechE, Honors, Half Ride)

I would love input on which schools would be most valuable to visit again (I’ve visited all at least once). I will most likely be attending Caltech PFW just to get a sense of classes and school culture, so i have room in my schedule to visit and attend classes at two remaining schools (non-Texas), however I also have to factor in I may get more options in the near future (possibly Duke, Berkeley, Cornell, Penn engineering, Brown, unlikely HYPS or Penn M&T). Any input on any of these schools or how a visit would benefit my decisions is GREATLY appreciated!!!