Inquiry form at each school or SAO

I noticed that each school has an Inquiry Form … I have 2 kids with approximately 5-10 schools so that will be 10-20 Inquiry forms to fill in.

I wonder if I need to do that or ticking the box at SAO to share details is enough.
Need your advice, thank you.

I may not be recalling this correctly but I thought the information from the SAO is only shared once you officially apply to a school (and pay the application fee)? That may not be an issue if you have already committed to applying. We filled out the school inquiry forms so that the schools would share information, invite us to info sessions, schedule interviews etc. My son made his decision to officially apply after he had that information and had his interviews. Also, my son filled out all of the inquires with the exception of the parts that were specific to the parents. It is a lot of work but made him really think about what schools he was really interested in.

The school inquiry forms are usually pretty short and ask basic information. Short answer for specific questions about your kid.

This is not the SAO info form that is much longer. I have my kid fill out the inquiry forms.

I think it makes sense, the one at SAO is only shared when paid so it seems that we have to fill in the Inquiry form. Say each kid has 10 schools, they have only filled in 1 so we need to step this up.

And thank you it’s a good idea it will make them look at the school website more and we can talk about it together.

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Yes, IMO you need to fill them out. It is the least amount of work you will do in this process. Wait till you start writing parent essays, especially for the schools that require their own set above the standard. There is nothing fast or easy about applying to BS>


I recall this specifically. The SAO interest form led to nothing (meaning – I inquired on SAO and never got one brochure or school outreach contact from that.). (You WILL get on their mailing list though and get a ton of info from schools you never cared about…sigh…).
Yes you will need to do inquiry at each school.
And, you will get very good at typing out all your info of you and your family.
One thing I did learn was that clicking on all the “activities” of my kid led to a LOT of junk mail. (Emails from random departments and updates and such.). If you want that, great. But, know that this is NOT being captured as part of the application, so for my second daughter, I learned just to skip all that and give them the basics like name, address, etc… and keep it short and sweet.
To join the boarding school world is to enter a world where you type out the same info thousands of times in a row. :).

If I may offer a couple of tips:
give same email for both parents if possible to reduce influx of emails. Also, create a whole new email for your kid that you both have access to (so you can keep an eye on requests.). Also, anyplace you are asked if you want texts, say no. Create a memorable password that you and your kid both know, and use that for ALL portals.