Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

Has this timeline been set? Or is it just a suggestion? I thought the first group would be health care and nursing home workers, police, etc. One would think that the second group would be the most vulnerable, those over 70 and those with diabetes, heart disease and COPD. Isn’t the whole purpose of all this to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed? So one would think that those who are most likely to be hospitalized if they caught the virus would have priority.

@Hoggirl , maybe they want college students vaccinated sooner? Although watching what’s going on with athletes (who are supposed to be following extra rules but turning up positive anyway), an awful lot of that age group will have contracted it already.
@vistajay , my daughter said headache, fatigue and nausea.

I think those hesitancy numbers might change when it’s rolled out and people start taking it. If people they know start attesting that it’s OK and no one grows another head or comes down very ill, numbers might budge. Especially after the mobile morgue season we are about to endure.

Right now, it’s all theoretical. Though I’m certain there will be holdouts.

Doesn’t each state have to have their own vaccine distribution plan?

From what I read they sorta do since they will follow their vaccination guidelines. I have heard by next fall all college students should of been ready to be tested… Of course this all changes. We will know soon.

The Moderna CEO said the other day that every US adult should have access to a vaccine by the end of May.

The young healthies in CA will likely be last in line.

I figure I’ll be 65 by the time I’m willing to have the vaccine anyway! I’m in no risk groups, but will be 65 in less than a year.

They absolutely will. I can see that in my own friend group. 7/10 were like ‘no way I’m taking it’ this past summer, now only 3/10 are saying 'they don’t think so". Everyone is tired of this.

Not to be callous, but at 95% effective, once everyone that wants one can have it, I’m not going to worry about wearing masks (all the time) to protect people that don’t want to get it. They can wear the mask. Will i likely wear masks into the future in crowded, airport, or hospital visiting situations? Absolutely - but not shopping, and day to day stuff (again, once everyone who can get one, gets one) - which is by this summer the latest.

Yes, I saw a similar schedule (I can’t remember if it was for my state, or recommended for the country, or which location). From memory it went:

  • healthcare workers +
  • elderly
  • people with underlying conditions besides advanced age
  • childcare workers, teachers, other essential workers
  • 18-30
  • other adults (which I guess is mostly healthy middle-aged people)
  • presumably children, by then there will hopefully be data showing safety in children

So why 18-30 before the middle-aged? I’d guess because of their more social/mobile lives. So not so much their personal risk to their health, but because of their risk to society. I’m sure there’s room for everyone to quibble about the rollout, but this doesn’t seem terrible to me.

The good news is as MWFan posted above, it’s only going to be a matter of months between groups. I could see people really getting angry if they didn’t like the order and it was going to take 2 years to get it to all the groups. But I’m not going to get upset if it takes an extra month or two to get to me.

I also agree with the posters who think the rate of adoption may be higher than the current polls show. We all know polls aren’t perfect and can’t be completely trusted ;-). But I also expect after people’s doctor friends, and other friends get it and are happy they’ve had it and as mentioned above, they don’t grow two heads, it will give confidence. And at the same time, if some of their friends who don’t get the vaccine continue to get covid, it may convince some people that the risk of the vaccine looks better than the risk of covid. And it’s fine if some people are reluctant and decide to wait a few months–then people in the lower order groups can get vaccinated earlier in their place. Eventually there should be decent adoption. IF (IF) this turns out to be a sterilizing vaccine, given the 95% effectiveness, we likely don’t need more than 60%-70%ish of the population to vaccinate to eradicate covid. If it’s not a sterilizing vaccine, it will still make a HUGE dent in our hospitalizations/deaths since the majority of the elderly and other high risk population are saying they will take it.

I heard the AstroZenca one is also reporting good results (but not full results like the others). Does anyone know about that one? Is it mRNA? 1 shot? Super cold storage or more regular?

I got an email from Walgreens today saying they will be a partner with Operation Warp Speed and look forward to having vaccines to distribute. They set up a website that will get updates on who can get the vaccine and at which stores.

I just went to a walgreens and they had a sign on the door that said COVID Vaccine not available yet.

Our Walgreens had the same yesterday. I asked an employee did people really think it was available yet, and she said they were constantly getting asked if it was, hence the sign.

The Moderna vaccine is not without side effects:

“I’m not going to worry about wearing masks (all the time) to protect people that don’t want to get it.”

I AM going to continue with masks- to protect myself. Much of the time, mask wearing has been posed as concern for the next guy. I can’t control his/her life choices. But I can continue to make wiser choices for me.

You can say, but I’d be vaccinated… But until I get some final & official green light, until we see how this really rolls, it’s too awful to risk. And too easy to slip on a mask.

@TatinG - the schedule I heard was reported on the NBC Nightly News a couple of nights ago. Or maybe last night? It was basically as @EmptyNestSoon2 delineated above. I have no idea if states will individually decide the order that people receive it.

It is a good point that there should only be a couple of months lag in between the groups.

As far as adoption - I wonder if people will face restrictions if they opt not to take it. Eg - can’t fly??? I’m just making that up, but I do wonder about it. I will get it as soon as it is available to me.

Domestically, vaccine requirements tend to be for enrollment in school and for certain types of employment (e.g. health care, emergency services, military service). Some such schools or employers may add COVID-19 vaccine to their list of vaccines.

Internationally, some countries require those entering the country to have certain vaccines. Some such countries may add COVID-19 vaccine to their list of vaccines.

I understand that is and has been the case. I just wonder if it will be “different” with this vaccine. But, I’m getting too far afield here and off-topic. Apologies.