Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

Not sure why this post on psychological reactions to vaccines referred to me!

I am hypersensitive to Miralax, which is 100% polyethylene glycol. I remembered the sensitivity, so before my first vaccine, I diluted it to 1/100th strength, with water, and had about 1/4 of a tsp and had a strong neurological reaction (numbness and tingling, severe chills, headache, I forget) instantaneously which lasted about 5 days. This is not the kind of “allergy” that the article refers to. I did not have anaphylaxis. It is a different part of the immune system. I would have done the skin test before my vaccines but due to COVID, I just want ahead. I did talk to my allergist. I have lupus and preexisting paresthesias and tend toward inflammation. That is my only explanation.

So @Creekland and @oldmom4896, according to the hypothesis of the article, since I was terrified at my first vaccination, I should have had a reaction, right? Nope, nothing. So much for a psychological “allergy” or placebo effect.

Conversely, when I went for my third shot, I was very relaxed. But had both an immediate reaction (mild but woozy, headache) and 4 days of side effects, two with fever. I make a distinction between “reaction” and “side effect.” Since I was relaxed, that shouldn’t have happened, right?

I stick myself with a needle every morning for a medication, and I raised a kid with type 1 diabetes, not afraid of needles.

I honestly feel that mainstream medicine has a hard time taking non IgE-mediated allergies or sensitivities or intolerances or whatever you want to call them, seriously. As an older person, my doctors are a lot more respectful of my tendencies with meds and maybe that is one good thing about being older.

Again, not sure why I was alerted to this study but not heading to a therapist at the moment.


@compmom, I heard this report on my local NPR station this morning and I recalled that you were worried about PEG in the MNRA vaccines, so I thought of you. That’s why I tagged you, no judgment intended.

@compmom I certainly didn’t have you - or anyone on this board - in mind when I wrote what I did. TBH it’s hard for me to keep track of who’s had what reaction (if any) from this board.

My experiences are from those I know IRL and it’s not solely Covid that correlates with their thoughts/experiences.

Looks like the breeding ground for variants might be immunocompromised patients…

From February 2021…

’ Meanwhile, Li says, the findings have immediate, real-world implications. “We need to pay a lot more attention to immunocompromised patients, and we have to be careful, to make sure they’re eventually able to clear their virus. We need to care for them in an intensive way.” The rules around isolation might also need to account for such patients. “The CDC criteria say that you can leave isolation 10 days after the onset of symptoms, and that’s probably fine for the vast majority of people,” but immunocompromised people may need to isolate for longer, Li says.’

And now in in relation to new variant of concern

'Dr. Jacob Glanville, a computational immunologist and CEO of Centivax, tweeted on Friday morning: "The new South Africa variant yet again may have come from an immunocompromised subject who enabled rapid accumulation of mutations during chronic infection.

“We need to be getting COVID-19 chronic infection subjects on antivirals to limit this or we are back to square one.”’

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The B.1.1.529 variant has been given the Greek letter Omicron (not Nu as some previous reports speculated). The World Health Organization calls it a “variant of concern”.

Despite limited information, many countries have been enacting travel bans or restrictions on those coming from or who have been to southern Africa (the Omicron variant was discovered in South Africa, but has also been found in countries outside of southern Africa).

People, and countries, are acting in their perceived self-interest. Our inability to act collectively explains why we’ve failed so miserably in fighting this pandemic.


The case in Belgium did not travel to Southern Africa (Turkey and Egypt only) so already in the community. Travel restrictions too late. Unvaccinated.
The cases in Hong Kong were both vaccinated (May/June). One was airborne transmission to the other (case #2 is across the quarantine hotel’s hall from case #1). Highly infectious (reporting 500x Delta’s). Both cases in Hong Kong have very high viral loads.

Yikes. That’s a bit more than 6 feet unless they both were in the hall together or something. 500x doesn’t help. Wondering what more “severity of infection with vaxxes” data will show…


The first case only turned positive on the 4th PCR, I think the second turned positive on the 8th. We don’t do that amount here, or the strict quarantine or tracing!

2 epidemiologists I follow, I will send after I pull them up

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So asymptomatic cases? (At least with vaxxes?)


I think asymptotic- picked up on the quarantine screening.
No reports yet how deadly. If highly contagious but behaves like the common cold, would be much better of course!

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And 6 weeks to get a vaccine apparently

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What I’m seeing is news articles saying “possibly” but not 500 times - 500%. Note - the two are not the same. So which one is it?

Second, it looks like there are no real data in that tweet which can’t be linked perTOS, just a model. I would wait for real life confirmation.

This article quotes some epidemiologist who says 500%. Not 500x.


Thank you