Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

Exactly. One morning while I was waiting outside for others for a facility to open, I was (as usual) the only one masked. Upon seeing me, one woman announced to all that she’d just gotten her 2nd booster. I wonder if she realizes that her booster is rapidly wearing off? I bet not.

D2’s roommate’s dad (doctor of pulmonary medicine) tested positive yesterday before beginning his shift at the hospital. He is fully vaccinated and had 2 boosters. Mild symptoms for him so far. He has been working on the front lines since the pandemic began and this is the first time his has had Covid.

I don’t believe you can rule out the idea that the vaccines are weakening the immune system with each additional dose. It also appears that each additional booster appears to be waning in shorter time periods.


I also think that you can’t rule out that the virus is mutating into something that now the vaccine is less effective.

I’m not sure I buy that the immune system is being weakened by this vaccine.

I’m not an expect on any of this either.


That would not be consistent with the data from the January Omicron wave, when boosted people had significantly lower rates of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths than the vaccinated but unboosted people (of course, both had lower rates than unvaccinated people).


But can you rule it out?

We can all make wild crazy statements, but it would take time and resource to truly rule them out. Sometimes it’s just worth the while.


Since it is clear the CURRENT version of the vaccines are not preventing infection, transmission or additional variants…why not just sit out this next round of ‘oh crap,…we have nothing new…so let’s do the same thing again, and again and again’. It’s becoming clear this is a game of vastly diminishing returns. And since we can’t rule it out a detrimental effect on our ongoing immune system…it is not ‘worth the while’ IMO’

Two weeks ago DH, myself, DS and his SO went on vacation. Days at our house before the departure, time in rental car, time in hotel. Two days after our arrival DS’s SO says her sister - with whom she spent considerable time - three days prior has COVID. We all test, all negative.

Fast forward…DS and SO return home 6 days ago - after 8 days together. DH and I continue vacation. SO tests positive for COVID (line turned 'dark black immediately) three days after return home.

DS has had the same exposure as his SO. Now, 6 days later…many antigen tests and several CUE test…he is negative…DH and I are negative.

The difference…we’ve been using the ENOVID/saNOtize spray. Coincidence - maybe. maybe not.

All of us are vexxed and ONE time boosted.

Now that is ‘worth the while’.

The ENIVID spray costs $249 on Amazon. Xlear and plain Saline sprays also may help. This idea is controversial and there have been legal battles about whether Xlear is allowed to make this claim, but they do have a few studies. The relevant ingredients are xylitol and grapefruit seed extract. In a list of nasal sprays purported to prevent COVID, Xlear was second, saline was third, and nitric oxide was first. Here is a recent article:

New Covid-19 nasal spray works exceptionally well: health expert - Pakistan - DAWN.COM


I think that there needs to be a change in what we expect from the vaccine. It’s to prevent death and severe illness.

I have a question from those smarter than me :wink:.

There’s never been a vaccine for colds and there is a flu vaccine but it changes every year. Are those both coronaviruses? If so, is the lack of vaccine or changing vaccines because the virus mutates so much that vaccines are tricky?

Covid is much more deadly than the flu or colds. But if they are mutating, does that mean that vaccines are harder to prevent transmission but are helpful in preventing death or severe illness.

Flu is caused by a coronavirus, but common cold isn’t. There’re many viruses that can cause common cold and they mutate quickly so there isn’t a vaccine that can deal with all of them.

My understanding is that for a vaccine to prevent transmission it must destroy most, if not all, of the viruses in the body. The current vaccine can’t do that against the latest variants, but it can still prevent, to a large extent, the viruses from causing more severe harm in the body.

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I don’t think that’s right. Flu is caused by influenza viruses, right? I thought colds were caused by many types of virus, and there have already been many coronaviruses that cause colds. Covid 19 was just a very new kind that body hadn’t seen before. That was my understanding?


Influenza is not a coronavirus. I looked it up to make sure!


Someone with more knowledge than me will be able to clarify better, but “common” colds are caused by several types of viruses, including coronaviruses in about 20% of cases. Rhinoviruses are most common. Flu is caused by an influenza virus, the most common of which are Influenza A & B.


Flu viruses are not coronaviruses, but they do mutate often. There are many common cold viruses, some of which are coronaviruses and others of which are not.


If you have an upper respiratory infection (URI), doctors can order a respiratory pathogen panel to test for multiple viruses. Here’s one (and like parainfluenza, numerous coronaviruses used to be listed however when SARS-CoV-2 started, all coronaviruses were removed because the number of these circulating in the population was so high, this particular lab didn’t want to worry or confuse the community as to which variant was the new variant so all coronaviruses were removed). Other types of influenza used to be listed, like B, H1N1, etc, but there basically aren’t any circulating right now, which is why they aren’t currently listed.


Y’all paying THAT much for a dilute solution of sodium nitrite?!! Holy yikes. :scream:

That’s all to it, apparently.

I have a cheaper “remedy”: Ponaris. We always use it when traveling to prevent that nasty dry nose feeling I always get on airplanes. When mucous membranes are dry, their barrier properties are lowered. Plus, the ingredients in it likely have some virucidal properties (not counting on that, really).


I certainly didn’t buy ENIVID. I was responding to another comment. It is shipped from Israel. Another poster mentioned it and I just looked it up out of curiosity. The other poster probably had an affordable way to get it.

If I used anything I would use plain saline or maybe Xlear.

If a poster here had ENIVID that might be more helpful, who knows.

I purchase #3 ENOVID bottles via eBay for about $140. They ship directly from Israel. I just happen to prefer using eBay instead of the Israeli pharmacy for purchase protection reasons.

Just to clarify: I did not say that you specifically paid that much (I knew you would not). Hence “y’all.” :wink:

Interesting that they ship it from Israel or from some unidentified places of origin.

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