Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

I had the same concerns as my husband had covid and it has lingered for him. FYI I feel great after paxlovid, just finished my 5 day course. Am hoping for no rebound.

Since you are in a major metropolitan area, see if you can get a rapid PCR test. Also call your PCP and see if they can get her a rapid PCR test scheduled.

I asked the same question about the NAAT testing here last week and did not get any answers.

In my case after testing negative, the next day I tested positive. It was relief and I was able to schedule a virtual visit and they prescribed paxlovid.


Also after numerous negative tests, this one was “successful” for both my husband and I. I don’t know if it was pure luck or this one was a bit more sensitive, I’m not sure. It is more involved than the binex

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It’s tough because she is between addresses but still has CA insurance. Apparently CVS does PCR and NAAT together so both take 1-2 days but NAAT is potentially faster. Ideal situation would be if my doc agrees to do faster PCR for my daughter but she is not in their practice so not sure if they can. I would pay if her insurance requires referral from her CA MD.

She is just constantly sleeping. Not like her at all. Throat so sore she can only eat ice cream.

adding: my doc won’t do test- off to urgent care and CVS

Unfortunately I would assume that she does have covid. I wonder if she can schedule a virtual visit with her PCP in California. Or with an urgent care.

Covid is just everywhere these days. Doesn’t seem to matter how careful you are.

My husband’s first symptoms were a very sore throat. He never did lose his sense of taste or smell.


I had the opposite result. Morning and evening antigen tests were negative. Afternoon PCR test was positive. I got tested at a CVS where they told me results in 24 to 48 hours, but in fact they got back to me first thing in the morning - so about 16 hours.

@compmom Here in NJ, you can pay ($125) for a pharmacy to do a rapid PCR. this proved very helpful when my H felt unwell and wanted to know immediately so he could start paxlovid.

Good luck to you and your D. FWIW, the sore throat, extreme fatigue and terrible headache on day 2 of symptoms sound like classic covid symptoms (at least, that’s what I and almost everyone I know who has had covid recently experienced).


I am really sorry she (and you) are sick. But has she had a strep test? I know covid is going around, but so is strep. H had to go to urgent care for an MRI referral this weekend and asked about covid. They said they’ve actually been seeing more strep vs covid, though covid is definitely around!

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She is having strep test at this moment. The fatigue resembles her mono in 2015. Pharmacies here don’t offer fast PCT but I’ll ask. Thanks all and hope you and yours are feeling better!

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@compmom is this at all helpful

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The best I can recall, the study that showed Paxlovid to be beneficial only included unvaccinated patients in the study. It’s not clear that it makes any difference in vaccinated patients. Fingers crossed for her.

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Thanks all! Her last vaccine was 10/21. Urgent care did a PCR that will come back in 24 hours or less. BTW two weeks ago, Johns Hopkins study had my antibodies >25,000 still, one month after second booster.


Hope she feels better soon. My kids both tested positive after our family beach trip. I credit being double boosted for why my husband and I never tested positive because we were in the car with them unmasked for hours on the way home and didn’t know anyone was sick. My '22 never felt very bad, but my '19 felt really cruddy. My '22 tested positive immediately when the friend we were with called to say that she tested positive. She had had very mild symptoms while we were at the beach and thought it was just allergies or something. Had a bit of a headache that ibuprofen took away. My '19 felt cruddy all the way home from the beach and then after that phone call was pretty certain that’s what it was. Started feeling worse and worse. Called out of work, but they require a PCR test so went to get one at CVS and it was negative. Home tests still negative too. It was on about the 4th day that we finally got a positive result. I don’t remember many complaints about a sore throat, but that might’ve been part of it.

Hope your daughter feels better soon and has no complications from whatever it may be.


So someone could be going to work for 2-3 days (the usual time it takes to get PCR test results, unless someone pays for rapid PCR) while COVID-positive before knowing that?

Not really. It was Starbucks. They just require a PCR to document that it was COVID. I’m not sure why they don’t count the home tests. You can call out sick whenever you need to. I think the tests are just for figuring out who needs to isolate and stuff if it was COVID. You wouldn’t necessarily send other employees home if it was just a cold, yknow? They have or did have a whole COVID screening questionnaire you needed to answer before you could begin your shift including if you had a headache or sore throat or any symptoms or had been around anyone who had it.

the last 3+ tests I have had at health centers have all been rapid PCR, and paid for by the feds and/or insurance. I just assumed that they have become common place.

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Around here: My doc’s office does PCR with results in a few hours, urgent care has results in 24 ours or less, and pharmacy tests (often drive through) take 1-2 days.

If positive results aren’t obtained until 4th day, like @sweetgum described, it seems it would be close to the end of the window for paxlovid.

My daughter’s PCR was negative. I had found myself hoping she would have it while staying with me, and then be more protected w/move to NYC! It is day 3 today. She will keep doing antigen tests.

My 19 y/o D just tested positive on one of the free home test from the gov. she started with sore throat, runny nose, dry cough and fatigue last night but now says her throat was scratchy for the past 3 days. Boosted in May. I am double boosted, hoping I don’t get sick.

Hope you don’t get sick but with a double boost, you do have protection. I was boosted in early June and am in a Johns Hopkins study: one month after my second boost my antibodies were >25,000, very high, and yours should be too. Even though antibodies may be to the original strain, they still help. And there is paxlovid which seems to work well. Good luck! And hope your daughter feels better soon.

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My friend’s grandson born on 7/1 is in Children’s Hospital with Covid. The whole family got Covid right after the baby was born. They thought they were all through with it, but on Friday the baby had a fever and they took him to emergency per instructions from the pediatrician and he tested positive. My friend’s S is still testing positive for Covid so only her DIL can be in the hospital with the baby. It looks like the baby is better today and will hopefully come home by Wednesday. This has been a nightmare for the family.

What a scary start for a new family; I’m so glad they have a children’s hospital nearby for excellent care.