Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

I’m sorry baby has Covid. We got our D sick with whatever we had when she was just days old as well. Our pediatrician insisted she had to be hospitalized and I could only come during the day to nurse her and leave breast milk. I couldn’t stay overnight and neither could H because pediatrician wanted us to get healthy and stay that way so we could care for baby and not reinfect her. It was a very long few days but we all ended up healthy after that brief rough patch.

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My friend told me the baby is doing much better and should be discharged today.


Tested negative, even though D coughed and sneezed within a foot or foot and 1/2 from me. Double booster worked


The thing to remember is that the double booster would have worked even if you got it, as your symptoms should have likely been mild. Glad you didn’t get it, but disease avoidance is a bonus, not the purpose.


YLE has a page about the higher risk of COVID-19 by age:

There is a very bad virus circulating now that is not covid. It is causing fever, sore throat, body aches, cough, and progressing into bronchitis and even pneumonia in some cases, according to a np friend who works at a pediatric office.

Local urgent cares are asking people to wait outside again and our hospital system asked us not to bring visitors to an upcoming appointment because of influenza and covid. I don’t know if they actually meant influenza or influenza-like illness, which was my D’s diagnosis after a visit to urgent care. We are in an area where covid cases have been declining.

I had two kids (young adult and teen) get it two weeks apart and I did not get it though I cared for them in a closed room overnight for a couple of days during the worst of it. My husband didn’t get it either, but I have tried to avoid close contact with him and the rest of the family.

This is probably one the worst viruses my kids have ever had, and I’m a little worried about it circulating on college campuses where kids won’t have family to care for them.

“There is a very bad virus circulating now that is not covid. It is causing fever, sore throat, body aches, cough, and progressing into bronchitis and even pneumonia in some cases, according to a np friend who works at a pediatric office.”

My DIL and her 1-year old son both had a similar virus (if not that one). Tested negative for covid 2-3x throughout.

What part of the country are are doctors seeing this? We’re in New England and everyone in our household is sick and testing negative for COVID.

South Jersey

Did it start out suddenly with fever (with shivers) lasting a day, and bad sore throat lasting longer, and dry cough?

No fever, but a sore throat, fatigue and a cough that is so far lasting a week.

A couple of friends have this virus right now (Northern California). For them the cough is really bad and very deep in the chest.

A friend and her H and D had this virus in early July. Terrible cough, she had to go on steroids. All tested negative for covid over several days (plus she had just had covid 6 weeks prior.) Her symptoms were much worse than what she had with covid. They live at the Jersey shore.

One of my daughters needed to be put on steroids, too. We had to put her in the hot steam in the bathroom like a baby with croup. I was glad I had the pulse oximeter we got for covid. She also was prescribed prescription cough medicine that turned her into a zombie but it helped her breathe so she kept taking it.

Research paper notes the higher density of early COVID-19 cases near the Huanan market in Wuhan, and that there may have been two different lineages that crossed to humans at different times.


YLE writes about boosters with mRNA against both the ancestral virus and a recent Omicron variant:

A tradeoff mentioned:

The first option (which is similar to how seasonal flu strains are chosen) is to include BA.5 as the Omicron variant (as chosen by the US), while the second option is to include BA.1 as the Omicron variant (as chosen in Europe).

Research letter that may be of interest to those who want to know how vaccination may affect the risk of long COVID:

Out of 2,560 routinely tested health care personnel at 9 health care facilities in Italy, 739 had COVID-19 (89 asymptomatic). All received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine in January - February 2021 and a Pfizer booster in November - December 2021.

# vaccine doses before infection % with long COVID # with long COVID # without long COVID
0 41.8 176 245
1 30.0 3 7
2 17.4 8 38
3 16.0 42 220

Some odds ratios of long COVID compared to female, mean age, no allergies or comorbidities, no vaccine doses:

Characteristic OR (95% CI) P-value
Male 0.65 (0.44-0.98) 0.04
Age (> mean+11.3 years) 1.23 (1.01-1.49) 0.04
Allergies 1.50 (1.06-2.11) 0.02
Comorbidities 1.32 (1.04-1.68) 0.03
2 doses vaccine 0.25 (0.07-0.87) 0.03
3 doses vaccine 0.16 (0.03-0.84) 0.03

YLE summarizes the ACIP meeting on bivalent (ancestral + BA.5) boosters:

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I just signed up for Moderna booster for Sep 15.

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